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Complete Exhibition On The Power Of Life

Posted on:2008-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215953627Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ChiLi is always deemed to a neorealistic authoress in the contemporary era. In fact, in her composition great changes have taken placed from the evening of 90 ages. Though she still persists in reflecting the real life, she pays attention to analyzing the society and life much more to find out the meaning -existing of humankind. In Alopecurus, the author has raised many questions worthy of our thinking about. What is in-depth moral nature of humankind and the active way to enjoying physiological impulses beyond human understanding in human nature and so on, which are basic problems about the study of human behavior. The thesis is divided into four parts: The first seeks ask for the reasons- existing of humankind through three aspects such as natural instinct of life, self–consciousness and limited tenacity.Natural instinct of life: Intuition is often the threshold of approaching ChiLi's thinking directly and understanding the meaning of characters in her novels. Cognizing the powerful human drive is the best manner of comprehending human and approaching nature. In the meanwhile, to some extent, it also possesses the blindness and impulse due to the conflict between institution and sense. In Alopecurus, Yimingli as a dramatic personate is addicted to having experience of self-instinct. Certainly, carrying through intuition boldly can also bring forth the power of life completely because it represents a sort of spirit -life. Good way to verifying intuition is the practice that requires the flexible fuse between instinct and sense.Self–consciousness: Self-actualization is embodied by Yimingli's action in Alopecurus. Firstly, people who actualize self–consciousness should understand love and enjoy life. Breaking the bondage of outer power is the precondition for achieving the freedom in consciousness and in action. Secondly, it is true for the change of nature and alternation of years but we human can't stop the pursuit of beauty and power determined by the constant change of survival practice.Limited tenacity: The inner meaning of Alopecurus is manifested by limited tenacity. Limited tenacity having a complete set of means represents situation, character and power. The species having limp state all has obvious the predominance–existing, that is, they can alter themselves in face of all kinds of situation in order to express and protect themselves. Persisting in adjusting themselves is the good way to attain the limited tenacity able to take good care of their life. In our spiritual world, it is the most pleasant state of life for us to hold firmly faith and adjust selfhood constantly. The second part peeps into the aesthetics exhibition of power-life through duplicate-fold and ironical structure in narrative arrange.Duplicate - fold structure: The surface layer of structure is exhibited by Yimingli's action, that is, the course from her leave to her return (from jumping-off point—family to jumping-off point—family). The inner one is her spiritual path (from worry about her daughter to confrontation with embarrassment calmly and gently. At last, she has had an open mind and meet challenge and hardship with serenity. Duplicate-fold structure that can bring about reciprocal influences both inner–dependence and inter-promotion ties together so as to exhibit power–life. The sources of tension origin from individual life-force produced by the system and structure with tension.Ironical structure in narration: In fact, ironical narration contains irony which can embodies ChiLi's affluent sense and the complexity of life rather than the narration alike living -flow. Meanwhile, it makes the composition have the characters of open tension and rich meaning.In part three, the main reasons for lack of vital force. Important thought about the way to actualize the power of life is revealed through the lack of self-awareness, spirit uncontrolled, ultimate thought and tasteful existence and so on in modern times.The lack of self-awareness and spirit uncontrolled: The novel reflects the situation of a period of the social and economic transformation in modern china. Modern civilization have resulted in the oppress of humanity and restriction of the freedom of life, which appeals to set up a pure-heated and harmonious connection between family and society so as to make us become more fully man to heal a spit in the person in the New Millennium.Ultimate thoughts: ChiLi is active in pondering at ultimate meaning rooted in reality deeply. Ultimate value takes on generous and profound cultural meaning. Going in for ultimate value embodies our understanding of the source of being. So, they such as inner impulse, life-force, self-awareness, creative-body and humanism spirit are on one and the same flat roof.Tasteful existence: Modern survival predicament comports that our outer existing-bases have had off. How to look for our inner ones to attain life -enjoy and maintain a belief have been an inevitable choice. If we held a sort of balanceable heart, we should possess firmly faith and keep stability in face of a lot of predicament.Part IV addresses the realistic meaning of the novel through regulating life - direction and affirming the connection between human and nature.To begin with, Alopecurus represents the regulating of life - direction. It is important for us to oppose patriarchal clan system and capitalistic pragmatism, which underlines Chinese vigor and freedom. In conclusion, people would not have stopped the search of existing - bases even if individual life had ended. We are strive to reach tasteful existence and discover our potential power-life.In addition, it opens out a relation between human and nature from the view of existing - life similar to other species. What the root of existing-human is, generally speaking, is relation to all sorts of problems about individual weal and woe and beauty and ugly. From the height of sense, it addresses how to understand the cosmic spirit. The search for the value -existing of humankind aims at making us rebuild whole existing- value ,understand the real human nature and cognize the significance of life.This thesis primarily concerns the inner meanings of ChiLi's novels referring to Alopecurus as a vivid example to evaluate her completely and accurately and validate her change in her composition recently.
Keywords/Search Tags:Exhibition
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