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The Influence Of Traditional Culture On Young Peter H.L. Chang

Posted on:2008-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215953359Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the son of Zhang Zuo-lin who is a Chinese warlord, Peter H.L. was deeply influenced by Confucianism. This paper will discuss the impact of traditional culture on Peter H.L. when he was still young." Li ", there are two important principles. One of the principles is that advise people respecting leader, and the other one is that advise people respecting parents. Peter H.L. whose leader was Zhang Zuo-lin before Huang gu incident and then his leader was Chiang Kai-shek. In order to achieve the ambitions of his leader, Peter H.L. became a soldier after graduating from school and did his best to help his leader. During Chiang Kai-shek's administrations, Peter H.L. also did his best to help his leader from Northeast"change banner"to Xi'an Incident. The best thing to prove Peter H.L. love his family was that he loved his parents and younger brothers and sisters. However, Peter H.L. has his own understanding of"Li"in front of national interests and the country's peaceful reunification."Ren" is the core of political thoughts of Confucianism. On one hand,"Ren"tells people how to get along with others, on the other hand , it also tells people how to become a good man. Take Peter H.L.'thought of cherishing the love for the country and the people as an example, at the age of 15 he began to concern with state affairs. With the growth of his experience , he realized that the reunification and peace of country is the most important thing for the development of a country and at last he achieved the Northeast"change banner". Zhang was good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. He got along well with his friend Guo Songling, his soldiers and political partners (Sun Yat-sen, Wang Jingwei).The good interpersonal relations between them made Peter H.L. laid a solid foundation for his political career."De", according to the principle of"De", he wanted to let people get rich, and then enhance people's level of civilization. During Peter H.L.'s administrations, he developed the economy in the Northeast, from industry, agriculture, transport and finance to telecommunications. However, he was not satisfied with this, he also developed the moral, ceremonial events and military skills in order to educate people."Xiu", Peter H.L. Chang thought that both himself and the whole people in his country needed"Xiu". He made much of the important effect of external normalization and advocated powerfully the moral character education so as to enhance the integrity of the whole nation, in particular to pracetise earnestly what one promised or wished for. Moreover, Peter H.L. Chang'understanding of the group broke the limitations of traditional ideas."Jiao", Peter H.L. Chang's idea of education was based on his idea of patriotism. In order to accomplish the aim of"realizing nation's modernization", he did his best to develop education in the Northeast China especially the higher education. Chang stepped up the effort to initiate various schools especially the Northeastern University, adjusted subjects to major in for training professionals, laid stress on funding educational institutions and highlighted that education must serve local economic development .As mentioned above, Peter H.L. Chang is a product of warlordism, but he is different from the other old warlords. Old warlords who usually consider themselves first, but Peter H.L. Chang usually consider benefits of country first. He is a national hero.
Keywords/Search Tags:Traditional
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