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Discourse Theory Of Democracy

Posted on:2008-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R C DiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215952391Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
If wo want to meitain the society order,we must own the political anthourity.But,how to construct is the bisic problom of political science.If dictatorial government is not we want, democracy is we can except.Democratic theory must be based on some ethics.At same time ,democracy should be useful to the social order.In this paper ,I mainly intrduce Habermas's democratic theory.One: Habermas describs his own theory,after criticizing some morden democratic theories.From his opinions,he debats wether liberal theory or republican theory is deeply effected by the morden philosophy of subject.The rational will is not based on one subject.Only by turning to communicative reason,we can find the answer.In the communicative actione,people can deliberate equally,freely ,and they can make general will in this course.Twe: the basics of discours theory of democracy. Habeimas thinks communicative action is mutral action among more then two people who have the ability of word and action.People can adjust their plans by mutrul communicating.At same time, rational will can be made.Further,Habeimas describs his principle of deliberation. Legitimate norms are that correlative people agree to. Communicative action and the principle of deliberation are the ethics bisics of the democracy theory.Three: the principle of deliberation and morden society. Habermas understands society from the aspects of the lifeworld and systems. In his opinion,as the evolution of society,lifeworld is getting rational,so the reproduction of lifeworld needs the rational communicative action.At same time,differentiation of the lifeworld and system is the characteristic of morden society. Of course, It is unequilibric between the lifeworld and systems.Four: morden society and law . Habermas thinks the reproduction of lifeworld needs the rational communicative action for the solidarity of society.The system of morden society also can be reconstructed by law.The most silent point is that lifeworld can control the system through the morden law.So the well society order can be formed.Five: the ideal plitics prospect.In the reconstruction of democracy, Habermas thinks it should contain three part: the principle of deliberation is transformed into norms;the principle of deliberation is transformed into procedure and the principles of consditutional state.Six:the relation between the ideal of morden plitics and realist. The construction of democracy needs some social conditions.In his opinion,public sphere and civil society is most important.Democracy needs independent public sphere and civil society.At same time, Habermas also give his answer for the challenge faced democracy.Seven: the appraisal for habermas's deliberative democracy theory. Habermas's construction of democracy is a utopia to some degree.ButHaberas's deliberative theory deepen our understanding for democracy.Of course,some people may have different opinions for the democracy.We can say democracy is still a uncompleted undertaking.
Keywords/Search Tags:Discourse
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