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The Existent Pattern Of Human Being-Practical Action

Posted on:2008-08-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215952249Subject:Marxist philosophy
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In the philosophy of Marxism,the knowledge of the issue of human being by Marx is an issue that can not be ignored and also be a focus in contemporary philosophy in China. In my opinion, if you want study this issue deeply, you must understand the question: "How can Marx comprehend human being?"and you also must read the book that Marx and Engels wrote a landmark cooperation book "The German Ideology", which is for their previous book "The Sacred Family" and the "1844 Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts" ,"Theses on Feuerbach" on the nature and the development of the further improvement and development. In this book he mentioned systematic presentation and demonstration of the "new materialism" that the practice of materialist world outlook. Practical materialism, as a "new materialism" manifestations, the fundamental characteristics are emphasized in practice, highlighted as the main practice by the old materialism and dialectic philosophy and the visual Feuerbach learn criticized established the practice of the historical reality of the dominant position in the world as a whole, having the fundamental and far-reaching significance."German Ideology", a book on Hegel's dialectic philosophy and Feuerbach's materialism and learn from the visual analysis, is about the study of philosophy in the past to reveal the weaknesses, and their unique understanding of the people. Therefore, I learn from the"German Ideology ", analysis Marx understands of the nature of humanSection 1:Hegel to Marx: Hegel to Marx's analysis of rational criticism without personal.Although put people into the field of philosophy, but here, people are still in a subordinate status, affiliating with the absolute spirit which is at the center of his thinking. The philosophy of Hegel's objective idealism is a huge system. In his view, the absolute idea is the essence of things, it is a dynamic entity that is self-development, self-awareness contained within the terminal starting in the eternal circle movement. The spirit is an independent part, family and the public for the idea has become a reality relationship with the internal activities of the imagination.In fact, the family and society is a prerequisite for the country, they were the real activities; But the thinking idea has put all the head upside down . Conditions become restricted things, Other provisions of the things have become the stuff of goods. Thoughts and Philosophy, "dropped from heaven on earth", instead of it , facing real life philosophy is "rose from earth to heaven. Marx said: "consciousness at all times is aware of the existence only, but the reality is that they exist in people's daily life. Marx pointed out that the so-called thinking or Hegelian spirit is not realistic. The existence of the so-called natural is not the reality, but the supernatural to the abstract Therefore , he put man and nature into abstract , abstract as a mysterious "absolute spirit."Section 2: analysis of Marx's critical sentiments to Feuerbach's"Perceptual existenceFeuerbach's Realistic Aesthetics is much developed than his early Principles"Materialism"."He acknowledged that human beings are also Sentimental objects, which made the social relations between human beings became basic principles of the theory."This is Marx's highly Evaluation to him. However, although Feuerbach attaches great importance to human beings, his understanding on it is still very superficial. He always puts the man and nature together on the perspective of master-slave relationship, believing that man is part of nature and composition of the product, and in his eyes, human beings is real, individual, and physical. Feuerbach does not satisfied with Hegel's excessive reliance on abstract thinking but resorting to visual perceptual. However,"he does not see the Perceptual as a Practical activities of human beings, but as "an epoch-making certain that has been direct, consistent things," Feuerbach's mistakes on the point of human beings is mainly because: He treated human beings as perceptual objects but not perceptual activities, and does not recognize the great role of how labor and practice takes part in the process of forming human beings and their history civilizations.Marx criticized the ideological basis of Feuerbach's idealism which just is the humanist philosophy. He revealed Feuerbach's straightforwardness, which means Feuerbach ignored the perceptual activity, and did not see the practice as the basics of the real world. In Marx's point of view, Feuerbach does not aware of that natural world around human beings is the world which has been transformed by the way of practicing, but treat the natural as a never changed, Consistent nature, without the aware of natural in a history, and the history in a natural. So it leads to an isolation of materialism and history.Section 3:Analysis of Marx's real, practical, and historical human beingsMarx established the main status of human beings in the whole world on the basis of his critics of how Hegel and Feuerbach understand human beings. Person in his eyes is neither in a subordinate position nor a real, individual, and physical person, which believed by Feuerbach. Instead, Marx declared that person is at the reality, which can be observed by experience, and processing and developing in a certain atmosphere. They are human beings,that's in practical and real history. Although the early Philosophers used to contact with the concept of practice, they did not know the point of social of practice and historical development, and never realized that Human activities is a basic practice. Consequently, they overlooked the role of practice, which influenced the world by transform and revolution. Marx believes that the history of human beings is formed and developed in the process of social practice, that means, without social practice, there would be neither existence of human beings nor human beings history development. Therefore, the society is developing like this: human beings do the practice activities themselves in order to meet their survival and living needs, at the same time promote the human development and the progress of history. Thus, Marx thoroughly established his "practical materialism."...
Keywords/Search Tags:Being-Practical
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