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Liang Shiqiu And Art Philosophy Of Chinese Modern Literalism

Posted on:2008-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215481003Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Liang Shiqiu is indispensable in the development of literary movement of Modern liberalism. In the discussion with left-wing writers, he is the main strength of liberalism literary sect.The thesis first systematically states the connotation and the development of literary movements of Chinese modern liberalism and set Liang Shiqiu'art a suitable position—art philosophy of Chinese modern liberalism-- in the literary movements. Chinese modern literary movements include three themes, namely the enlightenment, sound individualism and the social reform, and the amendment and nationalism: the national war against the aggression. Liang Shiqiu'art philosophy inherits the fruits of enlightenment theme, and establishes itself in the social reform theme and deepens itself in the nationalism theme.The establishment of Liang Shiqiu's art philosophy is the result of literary theory development as well as enlightment deepening process.Liang Shiqiu adopts the historical perspective which draws lessons from the critical methods of new humanity and combines itself with Chinese traditional"mean"doctrine, and which goes through the whole art philosophy.Liang Shiqiu thinks classicism as his dream of art philosophy. He hopes to contemplate classicism from a higher level and acquire new harvest in the direction of modernity. Liang Shiqiu's art philosophy expands from human literature, noble literature, and liberal literature.Liang Shiqiu's modern art philosophy restricts the development of the left-trend of Chinese modern literature and has great significance for the construction of contemporary art philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liang Shiqiu, Literary movement of Chinese modern liberalism, Art philosophy of Chinese modern liberalism, Enlightenment
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