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Be "Rite" Of Philosophy Problem

Posted on:2008-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P B BuFull Text:PDF
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XunZi is the last master of Confucia nism in Manchu Dynasty, his thought, at Chinatradition thought culture development of chain up, can't exceed of importance one wreath. Histhought, establish from Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty till Manchu Dynasty last years of theperiod China feuda listic society of the Rite cure mode of thought foundation. The Rite learn isXunZi 's importa nce of philosophy to constitute part. " Theory of Rite " is placed in a coreposition in the philosophy, the all theory of XunZi , almost is around "Rite" la unch.From study XunZi's Rite present condition to see currently, people be widespread tothink the XunZi's Rite big body to have three heavy attributes, namely politica l system, socia lorder, mora ls norm. In regard to its essence be politica l system, namely the core of XunZi'sRite be a norm ethics.If the level explore to beg for just from the knowled ge theory, so"Rite"why present"Rite" on "Kind ness""J ustice""wiclom""Sa int" foundation of "five line", again whyat the school of thought of SiMeng at displa y" Rite "? Pass to the origins of"Rite" and""fivelines" of investigation, detection"Rite" not only only have axiology mea nings, such as Ritenorm and ethics system...etc., more important have a form up the mea ning, is a philosophyproblem.Beca use the XunZi's Rite since speak the norm of Rite, speak the form top of Riteagain, since judgment before introspect the metaphysics property of "Rite", again at oneselfthe foundation of the norm"Rite" top the provision its metaphysics property.The metaphysicsof table is implicit in its"Rite" the thought, so Reason of "Rite", as long as controled a Tao,controled the reason of ten thousand matter creations.This"Reason" as he say of "Heng", "whatHeng? say: Tao."(《XunZi·JieBi》)"Heng" the abyss of time with absolute of "Tao". But "Tao"of this philosophy problem by luck now of body "Reason" of the XunZi in.Therefore bringinto"Rite" of XunZi to philosophy of height to confidence, since have the philosophy mea ningon the form, again have the axiology mea ning of ethics norm, so it thought just more integrity.
Keywords/Search Tags:XunZi, The Rite learn, Philosophy problem
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