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Posted on:2008-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Q XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215454495Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese readers have known George Brandes, whose thoughts were quoted byChinese scholars since 1920. His six-volume bookmaking-Main Currents inNineteen-Century Literature that still makes influence nowadays, deeply touched the Chinese man of letters that generation once replaces. Brandes, who had got keyed-up temper, profound knowledge, incisive sight, romantic words, is deemed to be the greatest critic of 19 centuries Denmark. He firmly believed that the literature changes with the different eras and the critic should have the sense of calling and radical spirit showing solicitude for changes in society. He regarded vitalizing Denmark literary circles as his own duty all the time, and introduced the advanced Western Europe literature trend of thought actively. His Main Currents in Nmeteen-Century Literature had summed up the development of European literature and drawn its overall mentality outline. In the depiction to six literature Currents, author has fervidly reproduced every writer's portrait and his development of individuality, to reveal to whose work cause of formation and their style.The paper thoroughly interpreted the theory origin, critical characteristic and historical influence of the Main Currents in Nineteen-Century Literature, and tried to display its visage roundly. Part I "theory origin" has traced the works admitted philosophical thinking and literature theory method mainly, and then has discriminated separation of tradition and innovative part. Part II "critical characteristic " mainly generalized and explained the critical characteristic and writing style by the theory of literature history, the criticizing method and writing style, to hope that it will make a clear understanding about the value and defect of the works. Part III "historical influence" chiefly investigated the influence brought by Main Currents in Nineteen-Century Literature on Scandinavia literary circles and the contemporary literature criticism of China, to expect that this part is fairly great bookmaking with its suited historical role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Brandes, Dialectics, Positivism, Psychology, The age's spirit, Individual liberty
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