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The Receipt Of William Faulkner By The 20th Century's China

Posted on:2007-03-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185962104Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the thirties, Mr. Zhao Jiabi introduced William Faulkner to China for the first time, and began the transmission and receipt of his works in China. Faulkner's works are read in different approaches in the different times, which enrich the F's image in China. At the same time, survey the whole 20th century's relations between Chinese and western literature, Faulkner has a profound and long influence on new era literature in China.Firstly, the thesis recollects the translation and publication course of Faulkner's works in China from the thirties. Survey from length direction, the translation and publish course switches between hot and cool. Survey from cross direction, Faulkner's translation and publication generally centralizes in Shanghai, which represents these two distinct characteristics in space time. The thesis studies it from the developmental change of translation word and press, the social political history aspect, literature's own traits, the Faulkner's personal creation and Shanghai, the specific culture space, in the second part, the thesis describes the receiptive course from critical interpretation and understanding, which represents the different views of different scholars to Faulkner. Chinese criticisms deepen the comprehension of F during conflict and spread gradually the dialogue with world Faulkner's research. Faulkner's creations exerted far-reaching influences in the avant-garde writers in the eighties who have the courage to innovate .Many reputed writers told forthrightly that they have received the Faulkner's influence when mentioned their own creating process. Taking Yuhua and Moyan for example, this part analyzes Faulkner's bold creative ideas and artistic techniques' impact and influence to Chinese literary world. Besides the data arrangement and influence analysis about the transmission and receipt course of William Faulkner in China, in the end, the thesis uses the morphologic method to analyze the Faulkner and his works' diverse variance phenomena in china from the three aspects of text, interpretation and vision, which reflects the difference between Chinese and western language and culture, and deliver the Chinese literature's interpretation of people as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:William, Faulkner, receipt, morphology, vision, text, interpretation
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