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On Reception Theory And Its Application In Translating Idioms

Posted on:2007-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360185958285Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
For a long time, the author and the text were regarded as sacred and inviolable, while translators and readers are the passive receptors. Author-centered theories and text-centered theories dominated the field of literary criticism. After that people paid more attention to readers step by step.Reception theory appeared in Germany in 1960s whose main advocators are Jauss and Iser. In contrast with most literary theories, reception theory puts the emphasis on the reader. Its central task is to establish a new approach to literary studies—combining the textual reception history with the reader's present aesthetic experiences. Reception theory believes that reader is not a passive part in the triangle relationship among author, works and reader.Idioms are the crystallization of language abstracted from public oral language and classics, without which our language would become dull and dry. Idioms are used widely in our daily life such as in oral language and literary works, even in news reflecting present world politics, economy, military affairs, diplomacy and science and technology, etc.Reception theory is one of sound theories to guide idioms translation from three aspects: 1. focusing on reader's role and status; 2. focusing on the shift of horizon of expectations; 3. focusing on reception and cultural exchange.Though reception theory has some drawbacks, it has certainly offered a valuable insight into literary research and translation study.
Keywords/Search Tags:reception theory, idioms translation, readers
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