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The Reconstruction Of The Archive Of Oxen Official Enlilla Of Animal Center Of Ur-Ⅲ Dynasty

Posted on:2007-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182499309Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Alarge-sizeanimalcenterbythenameofPuzrish-Dagan,whichisnowin DrehemsiteinIraq,wasbuiltbytheking?ulgiofUr-â…¢dynastyathis40thyears'dominance,anditisasmallvillageandliedclosedtoNippur.Thereasonwhythisplacewaschosedsetupliedin that it would be convenient for the royal families and nobles to offer sacrifices to Godking Enlil and his spouses of the religious center of Nippur in Sumer as well as the othertemples. It was one of the earliest and largest animal centers all through the ancientMesopotamia,whichplayedanimmenseroleintheeconomyofUr-â…¢dynasty.Enlillawas aox-official whotookchargeofmanagingoxeninAnimal Center.Hewasin charge of taking over oxen and distributing oxen, He took over oxen from differentorigins and from different cities, and from different people, These oxen were used for thetribute of the king and other people. Some any other officials took over oxen, passing byEnlilla, afterwards dilivered those oxen to any other places or any other officials. OrEnlilladistributedsomeotherfattenedoxentothetempleforthesacrificeorforotheruses.And also Enlilla distributed oxen, he distributed oxen to different places, and to differentofficials. In such case, sometimes some any other officials dilivered oxen, passing byEnlilla, then dilivered those oxen to any other places or any other officials. The maindirection of Enlilla'oxen is kitchen, or he distributed these oxen to other places whereofficial needed. The economic documents of all states of Ur-â…¢dynasty were generalexcavated illegally and stealthily, therefore all of them had been dispersed into themuseums and in the hands of private people around the world. The original sequence ofthem had been destroyed completely. Currently the researches in this field was ratherinadequate, therefore this article attempts to be focusing on recovering and rebuilding theeconomicdocumentofEnlilla.Introduction: presenting the backgrounds of animal cernters of Drehem andcircumstances of the texts which were excavated and introduce briefly the researchesstatusonthissubjectfromdomesticandinternationalprofessionals.Chapter one: brief introduction of animal center the main purpose and the fuction ofthe construction of animal center, the main management and organization, the official andduties.Chapter two: the economic activities of Enlilla. Analyzing his identity and archivesclassification in detail and his post. Making some classification and conclusions in detailto his work. Making use of a table to analyze Enlilla'taking-over-oxen, to analyze theamount of taking-over oxen, to analyze the origin of oxen, to analyze the use of the oxen,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Ur-Ⅲdynasty, animalcenter, Enlilla, thereconstructionofarchive
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