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A Sketchy Analysis About The Complexity Of The Gandhisim

Posted on:2007-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360182489554Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From 1920, Gandhi became the dictator of the Indian nationalistic movement for 20 years long. The reasons about the complexity of Gandhi are very various. By the Britain opposite effect, my theme intended to explain the valuable use of the complexity of Gandhisim in the synthetic background of India. My theme may be a little useful for the study about the special way of the Indian independence.The first, I discussed the strategy of the "nonviolent non-cooperation". This strategy was the reflection of the Gandhisim in the political field. The political experience with the British Empire in South Africa, and the imperialistic statecraft of the libertarianism, were consideration in the Gandhi's nationalistic movement.In the second part, I analyzed the particular conception of the religious and ethical political philosophy. The Indian nationalistic movement embodied the negative and the positive double effect came from this conception which had hazard about the creation of the modern Indian nation. Gandhisim according to the religion and the ethic was appropriate for the Indian multiplicity of society in the whole.The final paragraph made some opinion about Gandhi's works Hindus Swaraj and its trend. Gandhi's special sense about cultural in which about the contradictory between the East and the West, successfully simulated the Indian national self-respect.Finally, I reviewed the discussion and analysis above in my theme, to draw some sketchy thought about the value of the complexity of Gandhisim. Its significant was lain in the comprehension in Gandhisim. The British India in which the foreign governors shared subsidiary power with the native potency groups to build a terraced political conjunction, Gandhisim successfully mobilized the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gandhisim, complexity, nonviolent non-cooperation, nationalism
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