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The Modernized Realism And The Realized Modernism

Posted on:2006-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155974537Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The outstanding modern American writer, Saul Bellow, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976 for "Understanding full of humanity and penetrating analysis to modern culture" in his writing. Criticism of Bellow develops and varies with developing history, in which there's a sort of discussion about what kind of doctrine Bellow's artistic writing belongs to. The pluralistic and complicated modern world and developing criticism asks us to walk out of the analysis model of "Binary Opposition" and criticize with dialectical and developing views, while not simply giving any doctrine tack to any writer and his work.Bellow is a great writer who complies with the development of the history, and his literary creation possesses: "the expression of unique feet wearing unique shoes", which means using the most appropriate structure and narrative tone to present what he thinks. In his writing, he combines the sober, painstaking and objective observation of realism with the deep ideological analysis and literary expression strategies of modernism. On one side, Bellow extends the creative spaces of realist literature by thinking democratically from the level of existentialism and adopting various modern creation techniques, such as stream of consciousness, black humor, and so on, to explore the fate of humans in modern civilization, and thinking of the relationship between people and society, people and people, and people and oneself; all of which makes realism modernized. On the other side, Bellow doesn't display the terrible living conditions of humans and the quest for the meaning of life with the obscurity of other modern writers, but reflects such a theme against the background of real life, which makes modernism have the character of realism.All of his marvelous literary creations reflect the developing tendency in modern western literature for modernism and realism to interweave with each other, permeate each other, and using each other; also, his work reflects the contributions from this great literary master to modern literature, and his powerful expression from literature to real life!...
Keywords/Search Tags:Saul Bellow, Realism, Modernized, Modernism, Realized
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