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A Research On The Western Area Cemetery At Jinggouzi And Relative Problems

Posted on:2006-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360155454197Subject:Archaeology and Museology
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Western Area Cemetery at Jinggouzi, which appears especially inarchaeological culture, is the new discovery of those relics betweenSpring-Autumn and Warring States Period at Xilamulun River Region. Based onthe archaeological excavation from 2002 to 2003, this paper analyzes the collarpots typologically and discusses the periodization, chronological orders and thedistribution of the cemetery. After analysis of cultural elements, the author sumsup the formation process of Jinggouzi Type, which is represented by the relics ofWestern Area Cemetery at Jinggouzi. Moreover, the paper describes theconnotation of Jinggouzi Type completely. Also, the author enables us toreconsider some cultural relics related with Jinggouzi Type unearthed in LiaoxiArea. What makes this paper more sense is that the author reconstructs thecultural pattern between Spring-Autumn and Warring States Period. And at therespective of the formation of northern Chinese frontier belt and the rise ofnomadic culture, this paper explains the reason why such pattern came into beingand the power to keep it developing.This paper can be divided into 7 parts.Part 1: The Cultural Characteristic of Western Area Cemetery at Jinggouzi.In this part, the author introduces the burial customs, burial artifacts, andsacrificed animals of the cemetery, and then clarifies the main characteristic.Part 2: Typological Analysis of typical artifacts. The most typical pottery inWestern Area Cemetery is collar pot which was added some sand when beingproduced. Through the typological analysis of these pots, the author classifiesthem into 6 types, and each has gradually evolving regulation, meanwhile theyhad some common trend.Part 3: Periodization and Chronology. According to the evolvingcharacteristic of collar pots at each stage and the combinations, the pertinenttombs can be divided into 3 stages. Thus establishes the periodization of thiscemetery. Totally speaking, each stage has no apparent difference at the terms ofburial customs and the combinations of burial artifacts. And this cemetery issupposed to be between Late Spring-Autumn and Early Warring States Period.Part 4: The Analysis of Cemetery Distribution. Considering the planedistribution and the way they scattered, this cemetery can be divided into 3 areas.In each area, collar pots of different types scattered distinctively. And thus, theauthor groups this 3 area into 3 different families.Part 5: The Analysis of Cultural Elements. Jinggouzi Type, which is typifiedby the Western Area Cemetery at Jinggouzi, has a lot of relationship with otherarchaeological cultures. For instant, there are some similarities between JinggouziType and Liaoxi Area and Northern Hebei Province, which are located at theEastern Zone of the Great Wall Belt. However, Jinggouzi Type shares littlesimilarities with those archaeological cultures in Middle Zone and Western Zoneof the Great Wall Belt. And also, the cultural influences from Songnen Plainshould be taken into account. Nevertheless, compared to those similarities, thedifferences between Jinggouzi Type and other cultures are more important andevident and had formed the particular cultural traditions already.Part 6: Study on the Process of Culture Formation. With the assist ofresearches on ethnology and sacrificed animals, the author considers thatJinggouzi Type should be developed by a branch of Northern Asia MongolianPeople that came to Xilamulun River Region from the north. During this time,some archaeological cultures brought impacts on Jinggouzi Type, such as UpperXiajiadian (earlier than Jinggouzi Type), Shuiquan Culture (at the same periodwith Jinggouzi Type), Yuhuangmiao Culture and others from Middle Zone ofGreat Wall Belt, Lower Liao River Region and Nenjiang River Region. However,to recognize the local elements of Jinggouzi Type is still a tough task neededfurther study.Part 7: Construct Cultural Pattern of Jinggouzi Type and OtherArchaeological Cultures between Spring-Autumn and Warring States Period inLiaoxi Area. In the basis of Jinggouzi Type, the author enables us to reconsiderseveral relics related with Jinggouzi Type in Liaoxi Area. After analysis ofShuiquan Culture, Wudaohezi Relics, Dongdazhangzi Relics, this paper...
Keywords/Search Tags:Jinggouzi
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