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On Negative Effects And Their Control Of Internet Culture

Posted on:2005-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152965112Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Internet has been using its revolutionary force to greatly change the global culture, and it is becoming the essential part of human life. Whereas Internet is not quite a perfect mystery, it also has two sides. On the hand, we are surprised at various miracles on the Internet, but on the other hand, there are also many negative effects from Internet like human being become no-human; feeling empty and no domestication; too much pornography and useless information; main stream culture getting less important and influential; lack of cultural diversification; decadent humanitarianism; literary and artistic distortion etc. These negative effects are getting worse and worse, thus, they are all what the scholars and researchers are concerned about. The paper gives relatively systematic monographic research about the drawbacks of internet culture including internet literature and art; analyzes the deep causes for these negative effects; puts forward some corresponding countermeasures for controlling and handling these negative effects in order to get rid of the drawbacks of internet, the newest hi-tech culture, and therefore to provide a better platform for overall development of human beings. Consequently this is a very important theoretical problem which will directly and greatly help develop our country's cultural construction as well as our present-day literature and art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet Culture, Negative Effects, Causes, Controlling
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