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Heidergge's Ponder About Metaphysics

Posted on:2006-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Q ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152495925Subject:Foreign philosophy
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Metaphysics is the essence and kismet of human, and it is impossible to be refused. Although Heidergge was agaist metaphysics, but his thought isn't divorced from metaphysics. For him, the purpose of pondering metaphysics is not smashing metaphysics ,but looking for a way leading to phenomenology based on that tradional metaphysics which sticks to the style of "asking what it is" can not grasp the essence of metaphysics. The way leads to "the vacant place in the forest " which is near the being, and it is a open-eared way, it don't beg for becoming the way of salvation or bringing about new wisdom. Stepping on the path in the forest means returning to reflecting about the essence of the metaphysics. The reflecting focus on There are allays in the forest. There are a lot of branch roads. Heidergge discover three ways to the being: through phenomenological reverting to search the original meaning of Greek being; through phenomenological to get the original meaning of being; through phenomenological construction to look for a new area in which we can explain the meaning of the being, in the thesis it is called landmark.Preface Part: The thesis starts from the encounter of metaphysics in the history of philosophy and then raised the question "what on earth is metaphysics" -an old philosophical question another time, through looking back the history of the metaphysics the thesis expores Heidergge's true motivation to probe into the metaphysics. Aimming at a lot of wrong explaination about Heidergge's attitude to the metaphysics, that is that Heidergge wanted to get out of the metaphysics, the thesis raised new way to expound Heidergge: explain Heidergge in Heidergge's way. This requires us to grasp the development of Heidergge' thought ,the thesis attempts to find the meaning that wasn't spoken out directly.Part One: Looking into the essence of the metaphysics in the view of Heidergge. The part has three layers: (1) the bringing forward of the basic question of metaphysics. The question was summarized by Heidergge as "why does the being exist but naught not" .So we should discuss the problem of the being and the naught in order to examin the metaphysics minutely. (2) questioning the being closely. Heidergge tried to answer the question in two ways: Firstly, he reseach the grammar and derivation of the being. Secondly, listening to Greek words . Through listening to the ancient Greek words ,thetrinitarian being including physis, logos and thinking has .(3) questioning the naught closely. The naught is not purely empty. Based on the enlightenment of fear, the naught is the final foundation of the being. In the foundation the the reason why the being is the being has been surpassed completely. The surpass denotes that the naught is metaphysical problem. (4)The essential essence of the being(the naught): apriority. The essential feature of the problem of the being and the naught is not experiential and superexperiential, but transcendent.(5) the style of asking about the problem of the being: how is the being. We can not ask "what is the being", and only can ask "how is the being", because the problem of the being (the naught) is transcendent. So Heidergge got the enlightment from Kant and applied his way of reseach in phenomenology created by Husserl.Part Two: Tradional metaphysics doesn't understand the essence of the metaphysics clearly. Tradional metaphysics forgets the essence of the metaphysics due to its style of asking. So , in order to examine the problem of the being clearly ,we must research .that is . The thesis explain from three angles: (1) the being changes into ousia which includes idea and energeia. The change began from Plato and Aristolte.(2)The truth changes into the assurance. The change began from Descartes. After Descartes, all modern philosophy develops in the sphere. (3) power will and forever metempsychosis. NietzschePart Three: There is a "vallay in the forest" on which we can reexperience the essence of the metaphysics based on the new groundwork. The thesis discuss from three aspects: (1) running ba...
Keywords/Search Tags:Heidergge, metaphysics, being
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