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Approach To The Connotation Of "the Vikings' Sprits" In The Nordic Myth

Posted on:2006-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152486618Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Asserted by cultural anthropology, the myth is not only the manifestation of literature andart, but the root of human culture, embodying abundant intension. The forming of history andculture, the national character and psychological structure of culture are greatly influenced,especially establishing the foundation stone which has set up various nationalities' spirits.With the progress of studying these years, the mythical great meaning is caused more andmore attention in study. The Nordic myth can be rated as a wonderful work in the mythical garden, itsconnotation is more distinct.This text regards Marxism as guidelines, on the basis of studyingand drawing lessons from the older generations' research results. The ways are demonstrationbetween mythologies and historical facts, comparison among multi-national mythologies, andmulti-disciplinary methods etc., and I attempt to probe into and sum up the spiritual specialitycontained in the Nordic myth of the Vikings, in the hope of having a further knowledge of"the Vikings'sprit". The full text is made up of foreword,text and conclusion. The part of the foreword introduces briefly basic problems thesis should be solved,theory meanings, practical values, and the current situation of domestic and internationalstudy on this problem,etc.. The text is divided into four parts. The first part concerns mainly about mythicalmeanings, the relationship between myth and national spirits, etc., establishing the basictheoretical foundation; The second part is about mythical preservation, dependability of theedition, and the main characteristics; Subject as the article, the third part emphatically probeinto the main national spirits of the Vikings that the Nordic myth contains, including the sadand pityful seriousness, the brave risk, stronger order, distinct consciousness of conductingbusiness, nobility of women's status, etc.; finally, I depict the great influences of "the Vikings'spirits" on the modernity nordic civilization, European feudalization, the expansion of market,the development of outlying districts, etc.. The conclusion part summarizes the full text and points out, the ones that are fardifferent from other national characteristics in the Nordic myth, for example, seriousness andrisk,order and respecting women etc., are the embodiment of the unique spiritsual makings ofthe Vikings exactly .
Keywords/Search Tags:The Nordic Myth, The Vikings' Spirits, People and Nature
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