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Language Is The Homeland Of Being--Heidegger's "Experience" Of Language

Posted on:2005-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360152466546Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heidegger began and paid close attention to language problem at the beginning of his way to philosophy. During his theology term, the relation between the language and existing made the sea remain perplexed despite much thought .At the same time, his thoughts of language was carried on along the road where he thought throughout all his life. Heidegger took the relation as the prerequisite and starting point of his thoughts of language, the core and foundation of the thoughts of his language i.e.. Though "experience" in language, Heidegger proposed a famous proposition on "language is the homeland of being".In "being and time". Heidegger went on the deep discussion to language though the analysis to theory of Dasein's existential construction. On later stage, Heidegger regarded question of the language as the key content of his thoughts and there was a collection of thesis that comes out -" On the way to language". This article try to follow the way of Heidegger's "experience" in language and find the essential secret of his thoughts of language so that may expound what "language is the homeland of being" is saying, namely explain why and how language is the homeland of being.
Keywords/Search Tags:language, experience, being, saying, poetry
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