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Aristotle's Regime Theory And Its Influence

Posted on:2005-06-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360125952888Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aristotle was an encyclopedic scholar in Greek Polis crisis who wrote many works and attained excellent achievement.He was honoured as the originator of western politics.The theory of regime was the core of his political thoughts which he elaborated systematically in his representative work-The Politics, at the meantime ,he set forth the notion, type, criterion of partition, function, Variation of the regime. Aristotle Considered that regime was organization of sovereignty and distribution of power . he regarded it as a standard for citizen to realize good life .Regime can be divided into advantages and disadvantages.The former included Kingship. Aristocracy and polity .The latter included Tyranny. Oligarchy and Democracy.One criterion of partition was population.Another was aim of the rulers. Aristotle thought that the deliberative , the executive and the judicial were three function of regime He also thought that the change Of regime was caused by many factors. He supposed that regime itself had good and bad one .He regarded the mixed constitution as the ideal constitution. Aristotle's political doctrines not only had inherited the predecessors achievements but also had his own distinctive characteristics for system and reality Aristotle's political theory greatly affected both the West and the East.His political doctrines produced an important effect on the political and ideological history of human being's.
Keywords/Search Tags:Aristotle, Regime Theory, influence
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