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Realistic Politics And Literary Politics

Posted on:2005-07-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360125450637Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The main social transformation of Chinese mainland in the 90's of 20 centuries, was the market economy that being lauched completely and it acquired the legitimacy on system. That the literature stick together to the market was the most assign topic in the 90's. One of the most important phenomenons was that the officialdom literature was very prosperous. Since the 1990's, there were many authors proceeding to depict and portray the official circles, without intuitively initiating and organizing. They were Wang Yuewen, Zhou Meisen, Lu Tianming, ZhangPing, Yanzhen, Li Peifu etc. The naissance of the officialdom literature was not only the individual behavior of the author, but also the request of the era in the process of developing society. And it was also the inevitable choice of the power culture, main current culture and elegant culture.The text proceeds many angles to the officialdom literature observation, including the origin of it, the reason why it is prosperous. The worth principle of it, the image and the routilize tendency in it.The text proceeds many angles to the officialdom literature observation, including the origin of it, the image and the routinize tendency in it.The thesis thinks that, the official circles is just the political stage. That is the point where is brimming many attitudes of the social authority organization and the place where the officials work. The core of it is the relation between the authority and the human nature. The officialdom literature being borned in the race soil in the effect of the present political culture, so it has a history that developed naturally and constently with ages. It can be devided into three phases: First "the rebuke novel" in the late Qing dynasty. This was the origin of the officialdom literature. It was also the phase that the officialdom literature was taking shape. The novel in this shape had its own significance, but there were also some limists in it.Second, "irony literarure" This text investigated the origin of the "officialdom literature", and regarded that the irony liaterature in Chinese literature, from the 20'sand the 40's in the 20 centuries, is the "middling product" for officialdom literature, especially the political irony comedy.The officialdom literature drew lessons from the political irony comedy in the aspects of criticism, esthetics, and recognizing and blazing functions.The third, "the reform literature." This kind of novel in the middle of sis betrayed the early dualism: hero doctrine principal, popular novel, scandalous story novel, and became a kind of wave tide, the depiction on desire and official circles, provided a wetness. Envionmentfor the anti-corruprion novel in the 90's.So the officialdom literature took a prosperous looking in 90's of 20 centuries.This is also an important theme in the thesis.The thesis thinks that the reason why officialdon literarure is so prosperous is various.It origined from the reality of the society in China. China is in a transforming period. The not-perfect system and the morbid legal system, are all inevitablely destined to the phenomena of corruption. The officialdom literature depects it.The officialdom literature comes from the cross-examines of the author's conscience. The knowledge numerator is a special community, having their own spirit beliefs and their proper views. They think "when the knowledge numerator no longer struggle for the truth ,they will lose their existence value; when the knowledge numerator no longer criticize and investigate the thought and culture, the democracy spirit will go." Because the author has his special comprehension on the contemporary social life can expose and criticize the official life and corrupt official circles.The officialdom literature comes from the the system to tolerate with the politics and the political ascend of prepping up. On one hand, the current system is sparing no effect to take a groud of anti-corruption. This needs the "drum" and "shut" from the offcialdom literature. E...
Keywords/Search Tags:Realistic
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