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The Study On Relationship Of The Culture Of Religion And National Evolution In Ancient Xinjiang

Posted on:2005-02-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122994561Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xinjiang has been the region with multiple cultures of religion and multiple nationalities. The problems of religion and nationality and the relationship of them have already been ones that people show solicitude for there are some mistaken concepts and confused understandings on problems above, and this can exert various unfavorable influences in theory and practice.This paper fully shows the essential characteristics and laws of the relationships of the cultures of religion and national evolution in ancient Xinjiang auording to the historical practice of Xinjiang .The thesis also can provide theoretical foundation and practical guidance for resolving realistic problems of nationalities and religions in Xinjiang.The two different social phenomena-the culture of religion and nationality are the object of study of the paper, which probes the mutual relationship that exists between the cultures of religion and national evolution. Changes of religions culture will influence even cause the evolution of nationality; and the national evolution will inevitably cause some changes of religious culture. During the course of national evolution, the cultures of religion can change, merge even re-mould; while during the course of changing of religious culture, natk>ngSities can realign, assimilate and split off. The nationalities and religious cultures after the evolution are multiple resources, not mono-resource, and the resources are the multiple nationalities and their cultures that involve the evolution. Therefore, all nationalities maintain flesh-and-blood ties with each other; the related cultures of religion also show the features of embodying and absorbing reciprocally.His paper can be divided into seven sections:Section one is the introduction that elaborates the purpose and significanceof the study.Section two analyses the characteristics and functions of religious culture and national evolution and the relationship of the mutual reaction of the two. The culture of religion is one of pluralistic cultures that the human-being creates, and it has many-sided characteristics and functions. National evolution including the four conditions: national splitting up, national realignment, national assimilation and national merger. Among many characteristic of nationality, national culture and national psychological quality are the core and interior factors, the culture of religion which greatly influences the national psychological is the key part .of the national culture of ancient nationalities which decides the close relationship between religious culture and national evolution, although the two doesn't strictly develop correspondingly and simultaneously.Section three emphasizes the special background of the production of religious culture and national evolution in ancient times of Xinjiang.The special geographical and natural environment,economics and social communication, cultures(including religious culture),national background decide the production,development and characteristics of the relationship of religious cultures and national evolution in ancient times of Xingiang.Section four, section five and section six are the center parts of the paper, based on the laws of religious culture and national evolution that have been set forth sections, specifically analysis's the essential characteristics and laws of the religious culture and national evolution in ancient times of Xinjiang.The three sections take the characteristics of national evolution as the historical stages.The characteristics of religious culture and national evolution differ avoiding to different historical conditions,hance,the relationship of religious culture and national evolution takes on different features in different historical periodsmeanwhile.Section seven is the conclusion that brings forth new theoretical ideas.This pait makes theoretical distillation for the essential deatures and laws that are shown in the relationship of religions culture and national evolution in ancient times of Xinjiang based on theoretical analyses of...
Keywords/Search Tags:Relationship
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