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Research On Historical Ode Of Six Regimes Of Han And Wei

Posted on:2005-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122992723Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The six regimes of Han and Wei were a particular period in the development of Chinese poetry. Taking up particular themes along with the evolution of classical poetry, Historical Ode took on its own rules in its progress in this period. Given overmuch stress upon poetry of Tang and Song Dynasty in Historical Ode researches in the past, this thesis is dedicated to a systematic study of the origin, evolution of Historical Ode as well as its characteristics and themes.This thesis is composed of three parts:Part One focuses upon the definition of Historical Ode and its origins. Historical Ode refers to the poesies in which the poets express their emotions and remarks on their contemporary matters through directly paying attribute to historical themes. Being a unique school, Historical Ode differs itself from Allusion in its history-orientation. Although t has some points in common with poem on the past and lyric, Historical Ode has different objects, manners and supporting point. It rose as a result of Chinese literati's high regard for history and their cultural habits.Part Two is an analysis of the evolution of History Poetry. Pre-Qin period in which Historical Ode was having its buds. Concerns on history shown by contemporary people could still be seen in the lines of IChing. Book of Changes and ShiJing (The Classic of Poetry). Ode on History by BanGu of East Han was a piece of Historical Ode of real sense, summarizing historical events with concise language. Historical Ode had been widely accepted by literati and been developed into new modes in its content and manners. With ZuoSi's eight pieces of Ode on History published, the time had witnessed the change from "legitimate Historical Ode" to "Deviated Historical Ode". Compared to Wei Jin Period, Historical Ode had bloomed with various poets and works in Southern and Northern Dynasties. People could see some new features during this period such as images going with events.Part Three probes into the themes and philosophy in Historical Ode. The diversity of poets' ideologies has resulted in complicated themes and intricate philosophy in their works. Generally speaking, themes and philosophy among the poems were expressed in three forms: Chanting in the Wind, that is, the poets give voice to their ambitions and concerns among the words with optimistic attitudes; Bitter of Lofty Ideal Frustrated: poems of this kind usually take up pessimistic themes expressing poets' bitter suffering and their failed ambitions and among these poems signing for the misfortunes of some female has taken a large portion; Detached Stance toward Fame and Wealth: Secluding from the world and seeking political ambitions are two opposing elements in an antimony which have coined the peculiarity of ancient literati. The conflicts between being in court and being recluse have repeated themes in Historical Ode.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical
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