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A Fresh Exploration On Hemingway's Literature Language

Posted on:2005-04-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360122499562Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Language is the basic material of art, and it is also a decisive, dynamic factor. Sausure , who was called "Father of Modern Linguistic" , was the first one studying language as a set of symbols. His linguistic theory was applied to literature field by structuralists later. According to structuralists ,a literature work is the product of language, therefore, it can undoubtedly be viewed as a set of symbol system constructed according to some specific rules in which all factors are interactable and interchangeable .Therefore, the focus of studying literature works is language, the structure of language and the way the author applies the language. A writer's way of applying his words is specific, it reveals his writing style clearly. It is well known that Hemingway's words are precise, plain , terse and so on. This article aims to show these features through the study of his choice of words and structures of his mother language by analyzing some of his works. In doing this, the author hopes that you can appreciate a genuine Hemingway. The paper consists of six sections:Plain WordsWe appreciate Hemingway's works, one important reason is his superb master of language .He doesn't construct his novels with the aid of "rhetoric" but with the aid of his clear, short patterns and the exact choice of words. He is good at using simple statements rather than the very complex compound structures to construct his novels. As for the choice of words, he likes the basic English vocabularies which have the exact meaning. He prefers noun to adjectives; verbs to adverbs. Uses nouns and verbs to present the things vividly in front of the readers. According to Hemingway, what you should do is to put down the things as they are, as for their inner meaning; he believes the reader will appreciate it. With these simple, plain words, the readers felt the exact and profound art world. This section focuses on the above-mentioned feature by analyzing some parts of his novels "The Old Man and the Sea" and "Hills Like White Elephant"Visualized and Sensible WordsOne of the most important features of Hemingway's language is visualization. He can weave an indefinite web by through different kinds of "visual language" .He can mix the sense of vision, scent, tactile and hearing into the words, describe the concrete shape, posture, smell, color and sound of things, in which he doesn't mix any rational thinking, only to sense the world and life by intuition .He is good at describing vivid picturesque scene by using plain words, therefore, creates a definite image which is full of implication. Hemingway's writing style was influenced in part by the great French impressionist Paul Sasang and the imagery poetry. Sasang once gave a definition to the artistic reality: Give concrete form to sensation and perception. Undoubtedly, this is exactly in accordance with Hemingway's artistic techniques. This section focuses on the above-mentioned feature by analyzing some parts of his works: "The Snows of Kilimanjaro", "Up in Michigan", "In Another Country" and " Cat in the Rain". Directly Perceived WordsWhen we read any articles , what we contact first is not the content of the article, but the "symbols" which are used to present the content---words. Hemingway skillfully presents the vivid meaning through the readers' first reaction to words. For instance, we need to use the word "happy" under a sad environment, thus we can consider the expression "not unhappy", though the meaning of both expressions is the same, obviously "not unhappy" is more suitable under such circumstances, for it conveys an appropriate "visual" meaning. Therefore, the readers' first immediate reaction to words can help them understand the intended meaning better. As there is no related study concerning this feature, it is proudly regarded as the author's "great findings". Through the analysis of some parts of "The Old Man and the Sea", "The Snows of Kilimanjaro", "Hills Like Elephants", "A Day's Wait" and "A Clean Well-Lig...
Keywords/Search Tags:Exploration
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