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Psych-analysis On And Educational Countermeasures Against Aggressive Behaviors Of Juvenile Students

Posted on:2004-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360095952280Subject:Education Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aggressive behavior of juvenile students refers to the behavior of juvenile students who are in a period when their energy increases drastically aiming at hurting any objects other than themselves. The issue of juvenile aggressions has been one pressing for a solution for schools and even the whole society. Aggressive behavior of juvenile students, in its psychological nature, is the inappropriate outlet of the drastically-increasing energy of a juvenile student in a state of identity crisis between his physiological self and psychological self. Such identity crisis results from the negative influences of interactions of the circumstances a juvenile student is in. It is formed from the triggering stage, the crisis stage, to the post-crisis stage and has great impact on the healthy psychological growth of students, the psychological changes of teachers, and the cultural construction of schools. Schools may, taking the three stages as a point of departure, adopt educational countermeasures to keep negative circumstances under control, create positive circumstances, and construct the positive identity between the physiological self and the psychological self of juvenile students, thus leading to the students' appropriate outlet of energy.1. Triggering stage-protective education stage. At this stage, the countermeasures should aim at preventing triggering elements from happening or developing into the next stage. Measures should be adoptedto help the growth of psychological self while controlling the working of physiological self, to create positive circumstances for students' learning and activities, thus leading to the appropriate outlet of energy, and to purify the circumstances so as to reduce or avoid the outlet of energy.2. Crisis stage-controlling education stage. Due to the actual happening of aggressive activities, the primary purpose of educational countermeasures is to prevent such aggressive activities from further happening. Therefore, measures may be taken to promote their abilities to deal with aggressive activities, to establish a center for handling campus crisis so as to interfere with and control the aggressors, thus reducing and avoiding the damage of juvenile aggressions.3. Post-crisis stage-remedial education stage. In this stage, aggressive activities have passed, but the physiological self of an aggressor is still getting back to its normal state, and the psychological self is still in a state of turbulence. In this sense, this is the best time to remedy the physiological self and psychological self and to develop identity between them. Schools may take measures to help the physiological self of juvenile aggressors get normal, to help the positive growth of their psychological self so as to develop identity between them and achieve the objects of education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Juyenile Students, Aggressive Behariors, Psych-analysis, Educational countermeasures
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