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On The Weak Universalism Of English And Chinese

Posted on:2003-11-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360062490285Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper takes "stress" in the English language and "neutral tone" in the Chinese language into the prosodic analysis in the study of prosodic phonology in order to show the weak universalism of English and Chinese:1. Extract the TC (tertium comparations) of the comparative items, namely, distinctive prosodic features in phonological system of both English and Chinese language which can distinguish meaning of words and part of speech in a sentence.2. Separate out the "stress" and "neutral tone" from supra-segmental phonology, which discusses the linguistic phenomena in a monosystematic way; but carry the two terms into the polysystematic (the syntagmatic and paradigmatic dimensions) way of analysis: prosodic analysis which regards function as its core.3. Arrange the homographs of English and Chinese into classes; combine the "total of English words, homographs in these English words, homographs (distinguished by stress), total of Chinese words, homographs in these Chinese words, and homographs (distinguished by neutral tone)" into pairs according to the two language system respectively, i.e. TE&HE, TE&HS, HE&HS, TC&HC, TC&HN and HC&HN; adopt the method of linear regression and others in the statistical study to illustrate out the same tendency of the correlative increase of each pair of variables which produce more objective and intuitive evidence of weak universalism of English and Chinese.
Keywords/Search Tags:weak universalism, prosodic phonology, stress in English, neutral tone in Chinese, homographs
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