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Aestherics And Freedom

Posted on:2001-12-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H G LiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360002452857Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kant's aesthetics acknowledged as the origin of German classical aesthencs and even the modem Western aesthetics. As a new-oriented independent subject of aesthetics, its subject rule, question consciousness, theoretical pattern and value sense all come from Kant's aesthetics and the foil wing German classical aestheics. Studying the theory core and developing chie of German classical aesthetics can help us know this subject------aethetics more deeply.Moreover, German Classical aesthetics is the direct origin of Marx's aesthetics. The research field traditionally emphasize Mars's aesthetics inhentation and "conversion" to Hegel's aesthencs. But they tell little about how Marx's aesthetics is developed from Kant's aesthetics and they dorit reveal the intrinsic logic of the development. Afl these lead to the follwmg mistakes:!, Neglect that Marx's aesthetics is the result of German Classical aesthetic's own development and fail to understand the theoretical ongin and revolutionary change of Marx's aesthetics historically. 2, Take Marx as "Hegel", so as to obliterate the humanism abvocated by Marx's aesthetics and German classical aesthetics.Here in this essay, the author wants to explore the intrinsic developmant logic of German Classical aesthetics and Marx's aesthetics from the aspect of the aesthetic's original sense. It concludes two questions.1 What's aesthetic's original meaning and foundation basis. There are considerations of two layers. First,whafs the foundation of aesthetics' coqnition. (layer of aesthetic coqmtion);second,what does aesthetics mean to human's perceptual existence(layer of aesthetics ontology). And the second layer is the emphasis of consideration. The author think that the core of German classical aesthetics and Marx's aesthetics is tis ontology ponderation to human's perceptual existence and a sort of existence rationalization so as to lead to freedom pursuit.2, How are Marx's and German classical aesthetics (esp Kanfs aesthetics) related? This essay relates the aesthetic ideology of Baumgarten, Kant, Schiller, Hegel and Marx, etc. Among these ideology, the author puts emphasis on the following problems:Analyze Kanfs meditation to Baumgarfen's aesthetics,the inner link between Marx's aesthetics and Schiller's aesthetics and Marx1 criticism to Hegel aesthetics1 rational standpoint.Point out that ifs because of Schiller's introduction can Kanfs aesthetics develops into Marx's aesthetics.Their theory standpoint and spirit pursuit have something in common. Comparing to this,Hegel's aesthetics is the logic revival of old Plato's aesthetics,and it is totally contrary to Marx's aesthetics.According to the above thoughts, the author thinks that the humanistic spirit and the value to form humanity advocated by German Classical aesthetics and Marx's aesthetics embody in correting people's view to perception through aesthetics, then realize human's liberation. From this point, beauty is "symbol of freedom". This pursuit can also be taken as theory starting point of Chinese modern aesthetics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sensibility, apprecation of the beauty, freedom.
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