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The Inheritance Research Of "Academic" And "Original" Of The National Vocal Music

Posted on:2012-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z ChaiFull Text:PDF
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Chinese national vocal music is a kind traditional folk vocal music, which includes drama, folk arts,folk songs , the "New Folk Song"(referring to "folk singing") and so on.It refers to a broad scope based on the factors of traditional Chinese music. This article focuses on the study of folk songs of national vocal music and the"New Folk Song".I regard them as "original" and "academic" Vocal Music. In this paper, I introduce and analyze the concept of "original" of national singing and "academic" national vocal music, the musical heritage status and its development,comparing the musical heritage of their respective ways, the role and its contribution of inheritance.By studing the "academic" Vocal Music and musical heritage of the different ways, the role and its functions, I expect it reflects the establishment, the development and the growth of contribution of our national vocal music, "Original"national singing and "academic". The real symbol of our national vocal music should be like the scientific style of "Western bel canto", the standard and perfect set of theoretical teaching system. Professor Jin Tielin, our national music educator has given us a good example and useful exploration in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:National Vocal Music, Academic, Original, Inheritance
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