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An Analysis Of College Students' Vogue Language From The Perspective Of Register Theory

Posted on:2011-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330338978931Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During these years, vogue language is penetrating into many aspects of social life, and the linguistic circle is also beginning to put emphasis on it. What's more, some scholars have done researches on the particular field, like cell phone vogue language, business vogue language or middle school students'vogue language and so on. However, the analysis of vogue language used by college students is rarely discussed. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the linguistic features of vogue language used by college students from the perspective of register theory. What is more, the following questions will be answered: What are the linguistic features of vogue language used by college students from the perspective of register theory? What are the linguistic features between male and female students by using of vogue language because of gender differences? What are the interpretations about phenomena of vogue language used by college students?Systemic-functional grammar regards that language varies as its function varies; then different kinds of language variation also the different registers appears because of the variant. According to Halliday (1964), register is a function variation of language; it is a variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register. M.A.K Halliday interpreted register as"the linguistic features which are typically associated with a semantic configuration of situational features-with particular values of the field, mode and tenor."Field of discourse refers to what is going on: to the area of operation of the language activity. It is concerned with the purpose, subject-matter even and the topic of communication. The field of discourse determines to a great extent the vocabulary to be used in communication and it also determines the phonological and grammatical features of the language. Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question: who the participants in the communication groups are and in what relationship they stand to each other. This dimension to a great extent determines the level of formality and mood of the language we use. Mode of discourse mainly refers to the means of communication. It is concerned with"how"communication is carried out, how to express or pass on information,like words creation, borrowing or semantic change and so on. The mode of a register determines to a great extent the coherence and style of discourse. Therefore, the field, tenor and mood can reflect the choice and use of language directly. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the linguistic features of vogue language used by college students from the perspective of register theory. After the detailed researches, it can be concluded that the linguistic features of vogue language used by college students from the perspective of register theory are novel and humor, abundant sources, rich feelings, personality, directness and rebellion. The linguistic features between male and female students by using of some vogue language because of gender differences are as following: about word choice, male students use more words about sports or computer, female students use more eords about cosmetics or interjections; about word attitude, both male and female students accept that the vogue language is a common or normal phenomenon in campus, to some swear words, it is clear that male students are inclined to use them, but also should be considered with the listeners. The interpretations about phenomena of vogue language used by college students are from subject and object, like the contradictory of uniformity and personality, traditional and modern, also realistic and ideal. What is more, the economic and cultural factors are belonging to objective interpretations.Finally, it is concerned with the limitations and the suggestions. The author hopes that more in-depth researches can be conducted in order to serve better for the course of college education.
Keywords/Search Tags:register theory, vogue language used by college students, linguistic features
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