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The Research On The Changes Of The Belief For Offspring

Posted on:2012-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B GaoFull Text:PDF
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As the first of the human birth belief,the belief for offspring isthe important component of the folk beliefs. The research object isthe belief for offspring in Wang Village in the study, and throughdocumentstudy,on-the-spotinvestigationandinterviewingmethod,theconcludesasfollows:Grandma belief is the belief of "local grandma", has specificcontent and characteristics; As the organic part of the WangVillage ,it hasspecific function; As oneof thebeliefforoffspring ,itisdifferent of the other belief for offspring on the regional andinfluencescope.Afterthefoundingofthenew China ,Grandmabeliefexperiencedfour different stages, it changed in content, characteristic, functionand faithful persons. From the analysis on the change of it ,we canfind that the main factors affect the change of it include: institutionchanges, economic developing and social improving , the improvingoneducationlevel,theimpactofforeignculture,thechangesofpeopleinternaldemands.
Keywords/Search Tags:folkfaith, thebeliefforoffspring, grandmabelief, changes
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