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On Strategy Of Literature Translation Based On Hybridity

Posted on:2012-01-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R X ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330338494067Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Originated from biology, the concept of"Hybridity"means any expression derived from heterogeneous sources, or composed of different or incongruous elements. In China, Han Ziman first introduces"hybrid"as a definite and comprehensive concept in translation. Its inevitability and positive significance have also been proved by domestication and alienation, postcolonial translation studies and poly system theory. However, the negative effect of Hybridity is in need of further study for its perplexity to target language readers by grammatical mistakes and inappropriate abstruse expressions.The present thesis focuses on the case study of the two Chinese versions by Shi Xianrong and Sun Zhongxu of The Catcher In The Rye, and adopts a contrastive study of them based on the identification of the Hybridity. The aim is to analyze the influence of Hybridity towards readers and the target language by different translators'strategy, thus finding out the proper translation strategy as a reference to the literature translation.The result shows that the two versions have different degree of Hybridity in language and culture. In respect of language, they are similar in having typical sentence structures from the source language. As for the concept translation, Shi Xianrong's version preserves more transliteration but Sun Zhongxu's is inclined to have semantic translation. In respect of culturally-loaded expressions, Shi's version tends to keep the original language forms and images while Sun's has the tendency to domesticate them into formed Chinese idioms and allusions. From the positive aspect of Hybridity, Shi's version introduces more new resources which have enriched Chinese language. As for the negative aspect, both versions have the similar degree of improper Hybridity which lies in the word-for-word translation, abuse in preposition and passive sentence structure. The result finds that the existence of Hybridity is reasonable due to various modes of thinking and alien conception, thus the translator needs to hold the objective attitude towards it and adjust the degree of hybrid text in E-C translation with readers-oriented function and purpose to minimize the negative influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Catcher In The Rye, contrastive study, hybridity, strategy
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