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The Influence Of British Romanticism Upon Ecological Ethics From Works Of Byron

Posted on:2012-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335971333Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Romanticism appears as a significant trend of thought during eighteenth and nineteenth century. The Romanticism derived, has formed a new world view and creation theory, going further on the path of pursuing freedom of subjectivity. As one of the typical representatives of Romanticism, the highly praise of mighty nature and freedom in Byron works, objectively influenced the development of Ecological Thought. Meanwhile, his concern and revere towards nature, lead to care of human's moral consideration under various backgrounds.Romanticism forms early organic socialist view of nature, which is just one of basis of Ecological Ethics. The two shares a similar origin of organicism and perception of nature. Romanticism and Ecological Ethics extremely concerns about reality. The former encourages the revolution for freedom, while the later puts forward an organic, holistic value when facing reality of technology development and information explosion. As a guidance of us to adapt the new situation, this moral value is a sighted view of group intuition. Therefore, we need correct ideas for guidance when facing ecological crisis and kinds of terrible environmental problems. Similar with Romantic poet Holderlin's wishes, ecological theory calls on a harmonious existence of human and nature.However, there still exists criticizing and inheriting of Modernism of Romanticists, thus declaring the situation of Romanticism trying to exceed has inevitable time limitation. On one side, Romanticism pursues freedom of subjectivity, while preventing principles standing on their own from becoming new ties bounding people'blind myth. This indicates Romanticists are not thoroughly Ecologists. Concern of Romanticism towards nature, is mostly comes from spiritual value of hearts of unpredictable natural surroundings. That is to say, Romanticism mostly concerns humanity, instead of concerning nature itself, thus coming back to pursuing modern values of subjectivity. Although Romanticists keenly aware of the dissimilation, destroy and conquest of nature of mechanical industry all point to injuring human's soul, and they cares less on destroy of nature objectively and problems of how human beings existing in nature.On the basis of absorbing Romanticism, Ecological Ethics expands itself from concerning only on humanity, to the entire nature. From the aspects of nature's own purpose, integrating of intrinsic and extrinsic value, connection of human and nature's ecological systemic and spiritual dimensions, the aim is to help transformation of our thought and culture, instead of defending and protecting the nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Romanticism, Ecological Ethics, Byron, Organic theory
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