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Heidegger's Ideology In The Zen-spiritual Context

Posted on:2012-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J NiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335970036Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It's a difficult task to achieve sincere cultural communication between Oriental and Occidental. And it's particularly hard to convey the richness and flexibility of ancient Chinese philosophic thoughts, if you just interpret it with western philosophy. However, the academic trend of the time is that you can't explain any thought clearly without western philosophic and linguistic patterns. Heidegger approaches something wanting in western philosophy with a quite different utterance. His ideas overlap ancient Chinese thoughts; and that's why lots of people take a strong interest in his works. A fine comprehension of Heidegger's ideology lies in neither negation nor traditional constructing principle, but rather the inquiry of ego in true living and the conversion during specific intervals. Zen smashes the "original-mind" monism of binary opposition, namely incorporeal Buddha-nature. It provides a vivid experience to perceive the world, just like Heidegger's ideas. This thesis expounds Heidegger's ideology in the Zen-cultural Context, so as to explore a new thinking way of ultimate concern by question and dispute of distinct ideas.There is something in common between Heidegger's ideas and Zen spirit from the point of view of ontology, being, time and linguistics. If inquiring from these aspects, we can get a thorough understanding of his ideology and ontology, and demonstrate a profound practical significance. Zen spirit is based on prajna and sunyata of Mahayana, and blends with Confucian mind-nature theory and Taoist naturalism as well. It shows deep concern for ultimate release of human being, and how to confront our true life and the material world afresh after enlightenment. In this thesis, the author illustrates Heidegger's ideology in the Zen-cultural Context. She compares the two ideologies from the point of view of ontology, being, time, and linguistics, and tries to link and integrate. Chapter one, which is the highlight and fundament of this thesis, mainly discusses about ontology. Chapter two, Chapter three, and Chapter four probe respectively from the point of view of being, time, and linguistics. Throughout this comparison, the author's purpose is to find out the common ground between the two ideologies, open up a new channel for East-West cultural communication, and create a unique, high-level and integrated global culture. Not only that, the thesis also aims to break down barriers among disciplines such as philosophy, religion, and literature, which are supposed to complement and distinguish each other.
Keywords/Search Tags:ontology, view of being, view of time, view of linguistics
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