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Research On Kubin Phenomenon In The Overseas Sinology

Posted on:2012-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335969158Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Starting from 90s of last century, a group named Overseas Scholar came into field of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature. In recent years, with the frequent exchange between China and abroad, more and more people paid close attention to the research in overseas sinology. Chinese academia shows a kind of positive attitude to this group's research, but after the report that German sinologist Kubin said contemporary Chinese literature was rubbish, Series of criticism around sinologist Kubin were prevalent. The matters around Kubin in recent 5 years named Kubin Phenomenon. The author will make it as an example to investigate acceptance of overseas sinology in Chain and analyze the exchange problem between Chinese scholar, writer and overseas scholar in order to study the influence and fusion in different academic circles.This paper divides into three parts:Firstly, to list the development context of 20 century Chinese literature research aboard and to generalize the basic features and acceptance in China; Secondly, to put the Kubin as point of penetration, studying his research of overseas sinology and process of Kubin Phenomenon, finding the relationship between Kubin and 20 century Chinese literature;Finally, to compare and contrast Kubin and Leo Lee, in order to find out the common and personality in overseas sinology. The author hopes to show the relationship between overseas sinology and 20 century Chinese literature and expand the research vision of 20 century Chinese literature.Studying the process of Kubin Phenomenon, we could find the rejection to dissident, feel the collision from difference and comprehend Kubin's rigorousness. After many times of argumentation, from agitation to calmness, people not only began to respect other people's achievement, and became thinking themselves. Through the contrast between Kubin and ethnic Chinese sinologist, we would realize their superiority which is our shortcoming. Kubin said Chinese scholars need to study foreign language. Maybe this is just a detail. Actually we need an international and comparative view, try to use new research methods and excavate different research fields. We should prevent too much duplicate, not to produce Academic Garbage. This is the enlightenment from Kubin Phenomenon.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kubin, Overseas Sinology, Rubbish Event, 20 Century Chinese Literature, Leo Lee
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