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An Analysis Of The Reasons Why Austria Did Not Resist Germany In 1938

Posted on:2012-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335968973Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Second World War, the cruelest war in the history of human being, brought out tremendous disaster to the world. It was carried out and extended gradually. In Western Europe, Germany had begun to prepare for the war before it broke out. And to annex Austria was the first measure Hitler intended to take to increase his territory. Therefore, Germany attacked Austria on March twelfth,1938. However, surprisingly, instead of resisting Germany, Austria opened the door of their country and let German army enter without any difficulty. What's more, a certain number of people welcomed the army by standing on both sides of the roads. Why they did not resist but welcome the enemy when their own country was being invaded? It is a rare phenomenon both in the Second World War and in the history of wars all over the world. The paper tries to analyze the reasons why Austria did not resist Germany in the Second World War in terms of culture, politics, foreign policy and the people's long desire. After Germany annexed Austria, it became much stronger than before, which made it easy for Germany to invade Czechoslovakia and attack Poland, and advanced the eruption of the Second World War.
Keywords/Search Tags:Austria, German, Anschluss, 1938
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