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On Translator's Subjectivity In Sun Liang And Su Mei's Translation Of Mrs Dalloway

Posted on:2012-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Q XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335968643Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translator is an active participant and performer in translation activity, yet he was invisible in translation studies, and not sufficient attention had been paid to him until the cultural turn, which has opened up a broader vision for translation studies. It has brought the study on the translator into the focus of translation field. Drawing inspiration from Skopos theory, Polysystem theory, Manipulation theory, etc., the translator's subjectivity elevates the translator into a higher status, and holds a positive attitude towards the translator's rewriting, creation, and adaption in a specific context. In a word, from the perspective of the translator's subjectivity, the translator is considered as the subject of translation, and thus the manifestation of the translator's subjective factors in the translating process has been emphasized.This thesis attempts to investigate the translator's subjectivity through an analysis of Sun Liang and Su Mei's translation of Mrs Dalloway. This novel was written by an English writer, Virginia Woolf. She is specifically well-known for her stream-of-consciousness novels. In her representative work, Mrs Dalloway, she adopts unique web-like structures of stream of consciousness, multiple points of view and the technique of time and space montage. In addition, her language is also full of poetic and music features. These skills and techniques are helpful for the development of Chinese literary schools. Sun Liang and Su Mei's Translation of Mrs Dalloway is the first complete Chinese version. It is of great importance to introduce this new kind of novel into Chinese literary world.By carefully examining examples chosen from the original text and this Chinese version, the present thesis reveals that:first, based on their specific social and historical context, and their preference, Sun Liang and Su Mei take the initiative to select Mrs Dalloway as the translation material; second, in their translating process, they make some adjustments in sentence structures, add underlying information, and change the use of punctuation marks, thus the original features of stream of consciousness are weakened; Meanwhile, their compensative devices help reproduce the poetic feature of the original language. Furthermore, they domesticate cultural-specific words or phrases and make annotation for the proper names. By doing so, the gap between Chinese and English culture is narrowed. On the whole, all these translation strategies and methods adopted by Sun Liang and Su Mei are the manifestation of the translators'subjectivity.Through the study of translator's subjectivity in Sun Liang and Su Mei's translation of Mrs Dalloway, this thesis proves that transition activity is a creative process affected by the translator's subjectivity. The translator is the subject of translation activity, so his subjective factors will exert a great influence on his creation of the translated version. Therefore, analyzing and evaluating a translated version from the perspective of the translator's social and historical background, of his translation purpose, of his aesthetic taste and his cultural tendency is a main trend of descriptive translation study. In this way, we can have a better description and explanation of translation phenomena so as to deepen our understanding of the essence of translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:translator's subjectivity, Mrs Dalloway, Sun Liang and Su Mei, stream of consciousness
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