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The Collection Of Explanations Of

Posted on:2012-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ChiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335465791Subject:Chinese Philology
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In recent years, the study of Chu Characters has aroused widespread concern in academic circles. And the announcement of has set off a boom in fields such as philosophy, literature and history, especially in the interpretation of text. In particular, the study of "Confucius" has yielded substantial results and related problems have been basically agreed on.The interpretation of text is the premise of the research in various fields. And "set of annotation" is the collection of all explanations, which plays an important role in the discussion of bamboo compilation, combination and edition as well as the study of the history of philosophy and ideas. As the Chu-Dynasty slips of the Warring States, the sdudy of involves the most important thing of the traditional culture. It relates to traditional books such as,, which played an important part in studying the Confucius thoughts,the history of the philosophy in the pre-Qin Days,ideas and literature. Meanwhile, this explanation has underpinned further study of "KongZiShiLun" and poetic thought.This thesis is made up of two sections:Chapter one is an introduction, which is divided into two parts. The first part generally reviews the present research of bamboo slips mentioned above in such following aspects as the characters, authors, orders and related issues, ideological content, the relationship between "Poetry" and ancient books as well as the value of research. The other part states the goal and significance of this study.Chapter two, the main body of the thesis, attempts to summarize all explanations of characters in "KongZiShiLun" since its publication. And this set of interpretation presents different scholars'various explanations about nearly 100 characters in 29 bamboo slips, which takes the form of original excerpts from hundreds of documents. During the course of explanation, one unit is based on one bamboo slip. In each unit, the original explanations are first demonstrated, which are further illustrated in order. About the arrangement of each item, scholars'statements are presented according to the time relevant papers were published. And what follows are the author's comments on various viewpoints in the form of "notes".
Keywords/Search Tags:"KongZiShiLun", Explanation
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