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The Study On The Construction Of "A Er Bu B"

Posted on:2012-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335464748Subject:Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the linguistic theory such as lexicalization, morphology pattern etc., the property of "A er bu B" construction can be categorize as idiom, half-fixed phrase and free phrase, which was used as the base of following part. In the following paragraphs, it illustrated the property, characteristic, significance, function of "A er bu B" construction from different points of view such as syntax, semantics and pragmatics.We have investigated the syntactic feature of "A er bu B" construction according to the relationship between "A" and "B", eventually got the underlying reason. On the basis of numerous materials, we summarized that "A er bu B" construction has seven kind of syntactic function. By analyzing the meaning relationship between "A" vs "B" and "A" vs "not B", we concluded that "A er bu B" construction has four kinds of construction meaning. In the last part, we investigated the verbal behavior that related to "A er bu B" construction according to the Speech Act Theory, after that, we analyzed the positive and negative rhetorical effect of "A er bu B" construction from the perspective of rhetoric.
Keywords/Search Tags:"A er bu B" construction, Construction meaning, Syntax, Semantic, Pragmatic
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