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Predicament And Sally

Posted on:2012-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330335464387Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gao Xingjian, who keeps on playwriting for more than thirty years, is one of the greatest dramatists in the contemporary dramatic history in China. Gao withdrew from the tumultuous Chinese theatre and went to France in 1987. Since then, he turned to describe the week human beings and develop his creation in his dramatic world with an unshakeable attitude. A brand new creation style has been pursued to discuss the possibility of various obstacles in the life of human beings. As an overseas Chinese dramatist, the position provides Gao Xingjian a very suitable distance and space to examine himself and get a further consideration on modern people's predicament through his self-awareness. By looking at human beings'predicaments from his special perspective, his creation probed into a description on the nature of individual's existence. Moreover, individuals, as described by Gao, move on with constantly discovering and looking for a way out in a confused circumstance. No matter what way the modern people choose, self-salvation or death, his writing shows the efforts that modern people make through self-identity and self-confirmation. During his travel, he developed the dramatic theme and enriched his artistic means. Metaphysical spirit makes his dramatic work be filled with deep exploration and philosophical thinking. All the above expressions embody the Gao's pursuit of dramatic value and humanity and hence he accomplished another leap on his dramatic creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gaoxingjian, modern people, predicament, sally
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