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Subversion And Regression Of Father

Posted on:2011-07-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332984863Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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From the cultural symbols and prototype narrative sense, the content of "father" is constantly changing and developing, and showing a tendency of growth in value. Many literary works will consciously or unconsciously mention father, and actively shaping the image of him. Yu Hua is one of such a tireless wither in the new era of literary circles, continuing to better ourselves to shape the image of "father". Focusing on shaping the image of "father" is not only an important aspect of Yu Hua's narration content, but also showing the writer's create distinctive and unique creation style from it. The creative roads which Yu Hua has walked in his creation of father can generally be described this way: digestion and subversion of father→finding and affirmation of father→Reconstruction and Deconstruction of father.Firstly, in the creation of a series of short stories, and novel "Shouting in the Drizzle" in the early 80's and 90's of 20th century, Yu Hua focus'on shaping the image of father in two types:one is placed among the history of father, such as the seclusion of the old Chinese herbalist doctor; one is existed in the reality, both hiding and showing, such as the showing of Sun Guangcai. While asking the hidden "father" in the text, a writer also pumping the showing of father in this type. Yu Hua has different connotations in looking into father, thus the image itself takes on different characteristics. These images can not be representatives of the noble character of normal ethical sense of "father", they are the image of subversion, or in which the so-called "father" is actually missing. Secondly, in the novel and typical text of "To Live" and "Xu sanguan Selling Blood", Yu Hua shaped two image:Fu Gui and Xu Sanguan, who return to normal and live image. Yu Hua presented to readers of the two "fathers" written in "capital" letters for the first time. Fu Gui and Xu Sanguan, who reflected the love and responsibility, are the self-backwash characters created by Yu Hua. It also means that the leapfrog development and creative breakthroughs of Yu Hua. With the change of artistic ideas and transformational creation, Yu Hua has entered a new journey in looking and writing an normal father, his novel begins to show salvation of father. It also can be called return of "father". This indicates that the father shaped by Yu Hua has turned from the destruction,subversion,to looking-for and identification.Last, Yu Hua-launched novel "The Brothers" (Part one, Part two)in the new century. This novel is not without controversy and has created for readers a sacred and great "father"-Song Fanping. After searching for and surveying father, Yu Hua began to construct the ideal father. But Yu Hua did not stick to the end, A tendency of deconstruction appeared in bald Lee, Song Gang, Zhouyou and others people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yu Hua, Novel, Image of father, Subversion and regression
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