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The Light Of Hope In The Dark

Posted on:2011-08-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332964456Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Camus's thoughts of absurdity consist absurdity and antagonism, which together make the thoughts complete. In revealing the absurdity of the world, Camus was more concerned with adjusting people's understanding of absurdity; telling them to face up to absurdity; revealing that the meaning of one's life is to protest absurdity. Camus's theory is characterized by being open, reserved, adoring common values from the point of life treasuring, pursuit of justice and happiness.Camus's thoughts of absurdity bring hope and aesthetic, instead of sickness and ugliness, to people. When philosophers of existentialism exaggerate excessively the ugliness and dispicable, and ignore, even abhor the good and kind aspects in human nature, Camus, on the other hand, was invariably proposing absurdity as the road-sign of"exile", which leads to the kingdom of happiness. Camus'thoughts of absurdity is filled with the expectation of freedom, harmony, authenticity, unity, love and so on, which reveals the aesthetic thoughts of authentic, kind and aestheticism. Camus proposes the theory of antagonism in the face of the absurdity of the world, which is against absolute violence and extreme behavior, encouraging balance and reserve in the world of absurdity, refusing nothingness and trying to find a road to happiness in the world of happiness, and thus Camus's distinctive thoughts of absurdity were formed. And it was the above factors which made Camus'writing world also full of harmony and quietness besides shadows.Camus's thoughts of absurdity are sparkling with humanism. His works describes the dilemma that modern people encounter, and more than that, he brings a way of protest to them of how to exist in the world of absurdity, which is active participation, encouraging people put emphasis on the reality, embracing life and realizing the value and dignity of human, treating human being as the measurement of everything and human nature as the principle of judging right or wrong, and thus bring hope to the after-war generation who lived in a world of darkness with no light seen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Camus, Absurdity, Linght of hope
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