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On The Application Of Nexus In Negotiation Strategies Of International Business

Posted on:2012-12-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155330332495797Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
countries and regions with different social, cultural, economic and political backgrounds due to differences in values, thinking modes, behavior patterns, languages and customs,these factors make the negotiations more complicated and more challenging. Therefore, it is necessary for negotiators to be equipped with encyclopedia knowledge and superior verbal skills in negotiation. Excellent negotiators can freely use different skills in confrontation against different opponents and are adept in comprehending the key points in the opponents'utterance in order to speculate the opponents'real intention so that the negotiation can proceed smoothly as scheduled.Therefore, the paper intends to make an analysis of the actual cases in initiating, bargaining and executing stages by applying the nexus theory with regard to the features of nexus. The thesis aims to provide guidance for business negotiators who need to fully understand and know well their opponents'real purpose and intention by"understanding"a section in speech and even the critical"nodes"in the whole negotiating process, that is the nexuses, thus to avoid any misunderstandings caused by failure to find the key speech points or key words owing to failed understanding of the trading terms or of the opponents'real motive and desire in the negotiating process. In this way, the business negotiation can proceed smoothly and achieve ultimate win-win.This study mainly adopts the qualitative research method in combination with a number of cases in international business negotiations for analysis of such problems as unwanted disputes and misunderstandings caused by the ignorance of nexus. Besides, the paper also adopts logical deduction to deduct from the opponents'utterance and tone to analyze the utterance information that the opponents intend to convey in the next turn.The main content of this paper goes as follows: first, the paper introduces the nexus theory and other major theories concerning international business negotiation, and provides a summary of the international and domestic application of nexus theory in different fields. Second, the paper focuses upon the analysis of the impact of the nexus theory upon the strategies application in the stages of initialization, bargaining and execution based on the actual cases against the theoretical background. This paper presents the appropriate and decent approaches to utilize negotiation strategies, namely the negotiators find it necessary to manage their own nexus and grasp the opponents'nexus so that the business negotiations develop smoothly and fruitfully. Finally, there is a conclusion about nexus capturing for negotiators in international business negotiations, that is to improve their understanding and expression ability on key points (nexus) in the process of negotiation so as to improve the effectiveness of negotiation tactics. At the same time, the paper discusses the limitations in this research and the prospects for further study of the application of nexus theory in international business negotiations and the trend for future development.
Keywords/Search Tags:nexus, international business negotiations, strategies, application
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