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"Moral Paradox" Or "the Paradox Of Moral"

Posted on:2012-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L LiuFull Text:PDF
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In recent years, "moral paradox " is being used by more and more scholars in the domestic ethical circles, such as " market economy moral paradox "," professional moral paradox", etc.. Some scholars are committed to research and construct the basic theory of "moral paradox" and they make deep and systemic research on the concept of "moral paradox " , the phenomena analysis of "moral paradox ", the solution ways of "moral paradox ", and the contradictory attributes of "moral paradox ". Whereas the author considers that so far there are still problems in the definition and usage of "moral paradox " .Clear and correct concept is the soul and basic existence of a word, so using the concept of "moral paradox "we should be careful. But now in the "moral paradox" researching field, the definition of it is not uniform, and at least there are three different opinions. Some scholars believe that "moral paradox" exists in the practice areas and the reality moral practice ; Some scholars believe that there are theoretical type and practice-based type of "moral paradox" ; Some scholars believe that besides the two types enumerated, there is a moral paradox, that is "moral paradox" could be divided into three types. In addition, the word in the definition of "ethical paradox" are not exact, even a scholar's argument appears contradictory expression.Formally said, it is to be recognized that the "moral paradox" borrowed the three elements of logical paradox. But through the deep analysis can be found that, "recognized right moral values and principles" are difficult to be "recognized"; the derivation process itself of "the derivation accord with logical rules " is still a big problem plaguing ethicists; the good and evil conflict of "create conflicts equivalence" appears in the same time showed uncertainty for it's a value judgment rather than right and wrong judgment. "Moral paradox" mainly relates to its inherent contradictions and good and evil concepts. Scholars have different opinions on the inherent contradiction of "moral paradox". Some people consider that it is a logical contradiction and some people consider that it is the third special contradiction different from the logical contradiction and the dialectical contradiction. On the concept of good and evil is mainly focused on its uncertainty of concept.Besides the above problems existing in the concept construction of "moral paradox", one of the examples "sub-Apple" cited in the research of "moral paradox" has logic errors in its moral principle of "thinking of others ".And "think of others" not only has one moral principle work, and there is still a hidden rules in play, that is, "the first man taking the smallest food is consistent with morality "; " the first man taking the biggest bucket to fetch water is consistent with morality ". The criteria of good and evil in " sub-Apple" is not with the distinguish of "disadvantage" and "take advantage" like in the story speaking. And the material and spirit do not absolutely opposite, they will have the perfect combination. The other example often cited in the research of " moral paradox" is " marketeconomy moral paradox ", that is after the Reform and Opening the rapid economic growth and the moral confusion formed "moral paradox." So, if the current moral situation is slide, and what is the judging criteria, and which times is compared to. If it is compared to the early days of new China, it can't tell that the moral status of the current is evil and the moral situation before the current is good. Moreover, even if the overall situation of moral showing disorder, it is not entirely caused by the economy. The development of ideology always lags behind the economic development, and this relatively chaotic situation will just stimulate and promote the moral reconstruction of our country. In this situation, the good and the evil is not only completely opposite, but they can be transformed into each other in certain conditions. Hence, the definition and the usage of "moral paradox" still has some problems. "The paradox of moral " instead of "moral paradox", is not only more correspond with the preciseness of academic study language, but also is more easily to be used and won't be confused.Fully aware of the importance of the research of " moral paradox", will be not only benefit to people's moral practice and improve their moral qualities, benefit the ethicists and the logicians to expand the field of academic research and enrich the basic knowledge of relative subject, but also benefit to relax the current moral crisis of China and promote the moral reconstruction successfully.
Keywords/Search Tags:the paradox, the moral paradox, the paradox of moral
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