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Study Methods About Sunsimiao's Theories Of Health Promotion

Posted on:2011-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y JiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154360308972695Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China coming into the aging society, the prevention and treatment of chronic disease have arisen increasing attention, which existed in latest 30 years as an integrated science. About 1300 years ago, Sun Simiao,a noted physician during the SuiTang Dynasty, had made giant accomplishment and had rich clinical experience in health preserving, prevention and care. He proposed health guidance methods such as diet, residence, daily living, medicine, emotions, massage, which had a significant impact on the longevity theory and practice of future generations.In his Valuable Prescription for Emergencies, Sun Simiao, who was a excellent representative of longevity,had advocated the basic principles of anti-aging, such as first to cultivate temper; corresponding with universe, ingesting by the time; Preserving with proper diet; restraining senses, and integrating motion and stillness. In his book, he also had promoted some measures and methods such as eating abstemiously, keeping the live cleaning, leading a regular life,being a dainty eater and massage etc. It had great meaning of guidance and practical value in preservation of old-age and prevention of age-related diseases.My subject analyticly study the academic contribution of Sun Simiao and the book Prescription for Emergencies in gerontology to discover his original and scientific theory of anti-aging. At meantime, the subject summarizes up massage mentioned in Prescription for Emergencies, with the detailed operating methods and modern meaning of 18-kinds mentioned in Sunsimiao's TIANHZHU Massage Regimen, to set forth the guidance meaning of preservation and prevention. Key words:Sun Simiao; diet; daily living; Massage; Regimen...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sun Simiao, diet, daily living, Massage, Regimen
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