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Exploration Of Medical And Health In Taihang,Taiyue Revolutionary Base Area

Posted on:2011-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154360305995798Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper, the Author study the situation of health and disease in Taihang,Taiyue revolutionary Base Area during the forties of 20th century. And then Understand the actual social conditions in North China under zhe construct of medical system by zhe Chinese Communist Party's effort. In Base Area, the original health care is in poor condition, the health concepts in people's mind is backward. besides of this, Because of the widespread poverty in rural community, it led to the outbreak of diseases faced by difficulties. Therefore, the development of zhe medical and health system is a very critical thing in Base Area.Zhe development of medical and health system by Chinese Communist Party mainly Include Three main players:the Chinese Communist regime system, doctors(Include Witch) and ordinary people. Problems faced by the Chinese Communist Party is not only how to make medical facilities in extreme shortage of medical resources, the successful realization of the case, but will also include the building of political power, war, plague, Chinese medicine, Western medicine, witch doctor, stupid idea to find elements of such complex breakthrough in solving the problem. In this Paper, Primarily by the author in the text to explore the relationship in order to highlight the change of practice.After continuous grinding and efforts, the new health system's outcome is: Although Faced with traditional thinking and the system of stubborn resistance, but succeeded in the existing health system will be gradually integrated into their basic control can be Among the new system. This new system is characterized by uniform distribution of medical and health institutions can generally set up.under the Chinese Communist Party's direct leadership, medical staff have been re-arranged and learning, health care system is dominated Western medical thinking, and Traditional Chinese Medicine's advantage As much as possible, use A variety of ways to find fundsscarce, with Mandatory health movements, Finally Achieve the desired purpose of the initialThe author believes that the health-building by Chinese Communists have two Advantages:first, the transformation of the health care system will put the whole administrative system and social system of construction, mainly due to the success of the regime after the building of the social undertakings have been incorporated into an effective control. In the actual operation, the medical system in the building process and the actual operation of many of the difficulties encountered, under the strong support of the executive power,all diffculies is resolved. Second, combining Chinese and Western methods are proposed and implemented at that time not only makes up medical supplies and the situation of serious shortage of human resources, but also scattered in the vast rural areas, the only use of Chinese medicine, have reduced health care that may be encountered during construction resistance. medical supplies and the situation of serious shortage of human resources, but also scattered in the vast rural areas, the only use of Chinese medicine, have reduced health care construction process may encounter resistance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical and Health, Construction, Base Area
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