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Disease And Treatment From The Perspective Of Social Constructionism

Posted on:2012-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J S HuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1980s, China has gain a significant development in the economic, social and cultural, but the medicalization of social problem still exists. This gave birth to a number of health preventions; the experiencing therapy is one of them. It attracts a large number of people through the free experience, disease prevention. The people' abnormal behavior in M Company lead to this activities is been condemned, other people think it is a pyramid selling. So, this passage focuses on disease and treatment in the experiencing activities and interests demands of people. This research choose the case of M medical equipment company in Songjiang District, using depth interviews and observation method to research users and managers through the description the process of the experiencing activities, combing with the health differences of the people, and studied on the disease and treatment.This passage uses the social constructionism, from experiencing activities and users to study disease and treatment in the experiencing activities. Disease is not only biological form, is also a product of social construction, so in the experiencing activities, managers mainly adopt the way of "Breaking and establishing" to eliminate authority of the traditional pattern about curing disease, establishing the miraculous effect of medical instrument through medicalization, medical knowledge, media language and so on. Then let people to use it with body, establishing the disease and disease improvement. For people who use medical instrument, mainly through compare the differences of life before excess to M Company, to reveal people has got health. To be concerned about some people, disease is just a tool to express their interests demands, in order to highlight their social support system'missing. This kind of research from people'perspective can indicate the objective situation on experiencing activities constructed disease. As an exploratory study, it can be used as a response to detective the daily life of users. It may be construct an new perspective in the research of older group.
Keywords/Search Tags:disease, treatment, social constructionism, experiencing activities
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