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Analysis Of Economic Operation In Xinjiang Traditional Chinese Medical Institutions

Posted on:2011-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330332969283Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Objective:This study was designed to Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region are 18 Traditional Chinese medical institutions reviewed the current situation of economic operation and status of analysis, including balance of payments situation, medical service capabilities, and comprehensive assessment of solvency liabilities. Xinjiang Traditional Chinese medical understanding of current institutional development, combined with its own characteristics of Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals and found that the course of their business problems, and ultimately Xinjiang regional characteristics that meet the strategic direction to adjust the allocation of health resources and the direction of the proposed hospital development at all levels. Methods:The literature study, questionnaires, comparative study, factor analysis, analysis of the 2005-2009 in Xinjiang in 18 Traditional Chinese medical institutions in the overall economic performance, including the achievements and problems comprehensive evaluation of the health of the hospital, and on this basis, the initial suggestions put forward in order to further reform the health care system for the next step, adjusting the medical reform policies on the basis of Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals provide a reference guide. Results:1)county-level medical institutions, business income accounted for TCM medical institutions district-level total income is relatively low, between 69%-79%, and the volatility decline. To city level, county-level Chinese medical institutions more dependent on financial assistance.2) medical institutions at various levels of TCM medical income growth faster than drug income growth speed, but drug income is still except medical income TCM medical institutions outside the main source of revenue in medicine, raise medical phenomenon still prevailing.3) business income, business expenditure basic shows ascendant trend. Among them, the ground state municipal and county, TCM medical institutions of traditional Chinese medical treatment institutions business income were less than business defray, and loss situation is on the rise.4) assemblies municipal, county of traditional Chinese medical treatment of medical institutions are in balance negative and drug balance, drug income positively number in a certain extent fill with hospital's losses. 5) influence from various medical institutions operating condition factor is different, need to concerns different, individual medical institutions operating conditions are grim. Conclusion:1) the lack of government's input, the basic-level hospital of traditional survival and development ability is limited.2) business income and expenditure imbalance, accept does not arrive of teams, and this imbalance still aggrevate.3) the TCM hospital should improve drug income structure, high in income ratio, business income is no longer competitive, still exist "medicine raise medical" phenomenon.4) per capita medical expenses is on the increase year by year, low cost advantage has not obvious.5) asset-liability ratio is high, debt-repaying ability is insufficient, existing debt-repaying risk. 6) affect hospital operating conditions of a variety of factors, different hospital in various respects have need to improve places, individual TCM hospital comprehensive evaluation score too low, operating conditions of worrying.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional chinese medicine (TCM), medical institutions, Economic Operation Analysis
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