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Research Of The Security By Acupuncture Rugen And Rryue

Posted on:2011-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2154330332468803Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Bilateral breast MRI both sides Rugen and both sides Riyue anatomy; measuring various points within the key organizations with the distance, angle and in all directions outward, inward, up and down all up 15°, 30°,45°when the dangerous depth, to determine the direction of the safety of acupuncture, depth, angle; analysis about gender, body weight, BMI index and impact of relevant factors point acupuncture safety depth. When clinical acupuncture can provide the basis for safe operation.Methods:1. Choose 20 young volunteers, health, size medium, BMI (Body Mass Index=weight/height2, kg/m2) in 17.8~22.9, male 10, female 10, age is 22 to 30 years old, average 25.20±1.54 years old. Based on national standards "acupoints name and location" (GB/T12346-2006), locate acupoints on all subjects, using vitamin E capsules mark.2. Superconducting magnet using GEsigna0.5T MRI check scanning device magnetometer 0.5T, Coils:QD Body FlexⅡ; matrix:256×160; NEX:2.00; FOV:37×37; thickness:8mm; layer spacing:1.0mm; TE:21; Bandwidth:10.42; Gating Control:PG. 3.Scanning levels:(1)had bilateral breast Rugen and the level of the middle point of the fault plane is axial (horizontal position); to three-dimensional positioning as the basis of axial points and the parietal pleura when the shortest distance Service connection for the section is oblique sagittal section. (2) had bilateral Riyue to do with Riyue and the level of the midpoint of the fault plane is axial (horizontal position); to three-dimensional positioning as the basis of axial parietal peritoneum when the points with the shortest distance to connect to section Oblique sagittal section that is.4. In the T1 weighted images in the horizontal position, respectively, measured on oblique sagittal depth of piercing dangerous, diagonal stabbing dangerous angle and with the skin surface was 15°,30°,45°diagonal stabbing dangerous when the depth of a dangerous depth×75% of safe depth; dangerous angle -10°angle for safety.5.The results of statistical software with SPSS18.0, show it with x±s. Results:1.Right Rugen out safety point of view as 18.75±4.696°; inward safety point of view as 14.80±5.384°; up the security angle of view as 1.65±2.446°; down safety point of view as 1.70±2.351°. Breast depth of hole security male is 1.02±0.172cm, female is 1.25±0.267cm;outward inward 15°range of fundamental security no limits; outward 30°safety depth is 2.19±0.599cm; outward 45°safety depth is 1.64±0.388cm; inward 30°safe depth for male is 1.89±0.465cm, female is 2.69±0.683cm; inward depth of 45°security male is 1.40±0.258cm, female is 1.83±0.454cm; up 15°safety depth is 4.65±1.064cm; up the depth of 30°security male is 1.92±0.389cm, female is 2.41±0.537cm; up the depth of 45°security male is 1.43±0.285cm, female is 1.73±0.306cm ; downward 15°safety depth of 4.27±0.767cm; downward 30°safety depth of 2.22±0.339cm; downward 45°safety depth of 1.58±0.266cm.2. Left Rugen external security angle 19.20±4.158°; inward safety point of view to 16.15±7.638°; up the security angle of 1.55±3.166°; down safety point of view as-1.05±2.056°basic insecurity. Depth of the hole security male is 1.10±0.275cm, female is 1.28±0.248cm; outward inward 15°basic no limit in the safe range, depth of field 30°security 2.51±0.569cm; outward 45°safety depth 1.83±0.509 cm; inward depth of 30°security male is 1.99±0.810cm, female is 3.10±0.888cm; inward depth of 45°security male is 1.48±0.510cm, female is 1.97±0.435cm; up 15°safety depth 4.18±1.088cm; up the depth of 30°security male is 1.92±0.471cm, female is 2.39±0.554cm; up the depth of 45°security male is 1.38±0.300cm, female is 1.67±0.427cm ; downward 15°safety depth is 3.57±0.816cm; downward 30°safety depth is 1.94±0.387cm; downward 45°safety depth is 1.49±0.279cm.3. Right Riyue out safety point of view as 20.45±6.431°; inward safety point of view as 15.70±6.074°; up the security angle is -4.45±1.527°basic insecurity. Safe depth is 1.29±0.311cm; outward inward 15°fundamental in the safe range without significant restriction; outward 30°safety depth is 2.45±0.516cm; outward 45°safety deoth is 1.97±0.698cm; inward 30°safety deoth is 2.78±0.904cm; inward 45°Safety deoth is 1.92±0.771cm; up 15°safety deoth is 3.96±0.865cm; up 30°safety deoth is 2.05±0.386cm; up 45°safety deoth is 1.56±0.285cm.4. Left Riyue out safety point of view as 20.35±4.991°; inward safety point of view as 20.65±4.949°; up the security angle is-3.75±2.039°basic insecurity. Safety deoth is 1.37±0.298cm; outward inward 15°basically no limit in the safe range, the deoth of field security for the 30°is 2.51±0.316cm; outward 45°safe deoth is 1.95±0.522cm; inward 30°safe deoth is 3.05±0.883cm; inward 45°Safety deoth is of 2.13±0.655cm; up 15°safe depth male is 3.80±0.694cm, female is 5.21±1.220cm; up the depth of 30°security male is 2.03±0.551cm, female is 2.44±0.315cm; up 45°safety deoth is 1.66±0.309cm.Conclusion:1.The left and right breast Rugen acupuncture point in the risk of deep, dangerous angle outward, inward and upward risk of dangerous point of view no significant difference in the risk point of view down to a difference; tips down diagonal stabbing Rugen left is less than right angles. Point and right of Riyue and Riyue on the left point out dangers in perspective, up and down the risk of dangerous point of view no significant difference in the risk of deep, inward risk point of view are different; suggest piercing Riyue when the right point depth is less than the left side, right side inward diagonal stabbing Riyue angle is less than when the left.2.About Rugen hole depth in the risk difference between males and female, in the perspective of the outside danger, danger point inward, upward and downward risk of dangerous point of view of male and female was no significant difference. Hole piercing Rugen male than female in depth. Point about the dangerous depth of Riyue, out dangerous point of view, dangerous angle inward, upward and downward angle of dangerous risk of male and female is point of view no significant difference.3.About Rugen point inward 30°, inward 45°, up 30°and 45°when the needle up the depth of male and female have different risk, the other point of view on the direction of risk of deep acupuncture was no significant difference between male and female. Tips inward 30°, inwards 45°, up 30°, 45°diagonal stabbing up when the depth of Rugen point is less than male female is. Right Riyue all directions 15°,30°,45°when the risk of deep acupuncture was no significant difference between male and female, left Riyue risk up to 30°, the depth of male and female have different acupuncture, and female Riyue 30°and upward in the upward 45°, about the depth of needle risk differential, the other point of view on the direction of risk of deep acupuncture was no significant difference between male and female.Tip 30°diagonal stabbing left up when Riyue cave male than female in depth, up and up 30°45°diagonal stabbing female when Riyue Point on the right side of the depth is less than the left.4.Rugen and Riyue's dangerous depth, the angle of the direction of risk was significantly correlated with the BMI index, suggesting that the deeper the greater the BMI index, the greater the angle increases.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rugen, Riyue, acupuncture, safety, Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
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