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Studying On The Therapeutic Principle Of Xulao In The Golden Chamber

Posted on:2011-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M S YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360305962775Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Objective:Consumptive disease name first appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, a famous physician Zhongjing book "Golden Chamber", the book on the consumptive disease hair cut herbs have been more detailed exposition, the nature of the consumptive disease has not clearly stated, lead to later generations of the virtual Lo disease theory and practice of many differences. Chao Yuan-Fang Sui divided into five workers will be consumptive, six pole, seven wounded, and 75 kinds of consumptive disease pathogenesis syndrome were elucidated, but the theory has not been consistent Zhongjing, leading to Song understanding between the physician's error due to the treatment of indiscriminate use of chemicals hot Big Chill. Ming physicians play a "hard by the" Gate of Life theory, reveals the true shade of consumptive disease in the nature of injury and proposed a consumptive disease corrupted the meaning of the internal organs. This issue designed by the consumptive disease origins, pathogenesis, symptom, treatment and study of modern research literature, in-depth exploration of the nature of consumptive disease, so as to permit the treatment of this disease of modern clinical reference and guidance.Methods:1 Study the consumptive the Chinese literature, collate and analyze physician representative points.2 Analysis of the "Golden Chamber" original, collect the specific provisions related to consumptive, to link its pathogenesis, treatment, therapies and herbs are classified on this basis, the sum order "Golden Chamber" treatment consumptive's syndrome and law.3 Investigation "Golden Chamber" ideological treatment of consumptive impact on later physicians Results:Through the "Golden Chamber" and the consumptive-depth study of the relevant provisions, we found Zhongjing inherited "via", "hard by the" theory of the consumptive, and on this basis, have to play. The detail of the consumptive of pathogenesis, proposed:weak endowment, physical is not strong; Fanlao excessive loss and five stolen goods; diet section, damage the spleen and stomach; illness ill for a long, lost in conditioning as the main pathogenesis Consumptive. The syndrome may relate to the five internal organs, pulse to pulse for virtual master class. Consumptive specific therapies are: yin angry, yang of the Water Law; sweet warm priorities, and health law in the tonic; potential picturesque town, tune up yin and yang method; clearing away heat, regulating blood Tranquilization; Yin Yang liquid, moistening tonic law; tune up Chong and Ren, solid after hemostasis; spleen, nourishing, yang photo blood method; Qi and blood, and uphold law; Se Yinse use, Yi Qi Tong Pi method; reconcile Camp Health, yang Tongbi law. The drug treatment of consumptive Zhongjing features as the following:in focus, spleen and kidney with complement; to Gan-based, co-Octyl; Cold and Warm, yin and yang with the transfer; moistening combination of pathogenic factors into account. And based on the proposed consumptive should be strengthened to prevent the thought of later physicians had a profound impact.Conclusion:1 "Golden Chamber" theory on the basis of consumptive from "Yellow Emperor" and "hard by" blood and viscera of weakness on the understanding of Syndrome, is later recognized physicians based on consumptive disease syndromes.2 "Golden Chamber" will pulse as the outline of consumptive disease syndromes revealed consumptive disease syndrome characterized by yin and yang, all virtual.3 "Golden Chamber" consumptive disease syndromes in the overall performance is:virtual systemic failure, multiple virtual dirty all characterized by yin and yang qi and blood. The causes are congenitally deficient diet weary, exogenous six evils, internal injuries after falling seriously ill seven emotions or disorders, its pathogenesis is more complex, less blood, spleen and stomach, qi stagnation, heart and kidney do not pay, loss of kidney essence, etc. and often as a main variety of coexistence. The treatment principle is the temperature of workers who, or Warming spleen, or kidney Yijing, or stasis, but the principle should be to keep warm, dirty and in many cases, loss of balance and more dirty.
Keywords/Search Tags:Golden Chamber, Xulao, treatment law, literature
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