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Two Types Of Anesthesia In Surgery Of Ectopic Pregnancy In A Retrospective Analysis Summary

Posted on:2010-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Purpose: Surgery for ectopic pregnancy through retrospective analysis of cases and sum up, according to the preoperative status of patients and choice of anesthesia on blood pressure,heart rate,and postoperative com- plications that can occur, thereby comparing general anesthesia (GA) and spinal anesthesia-epidural anesthesia (CSEA) in ectopic pregnancy narcotic operation characteristics of the patients with ectopic pregnancy in emer- gency surgery and a reasonable way to deal with the principles of ane- sthesia.Methods: The Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical Univer- sity, 2006-2008 192 cases of ectopic pregnancy in patients included in retrospective analysis of data, in which spinal anesthesia-epidural anes- thesia (CSEA) 20 cases, tracheal intubation 172 cases of general anes- thesia.The first step of possible factors cause fluctuations in blood pressure were screened, using multiple regression Logistic regression to establish a regression equation. The second step according to the patients, and the degree of shock and hemodynamic stability of choice of anesthesia compared with the two anesthetic methods on the impact of the cycle. General anesthesia: midazolam 0.05~0.15mg/kg, fentany 1.0~2.0ug/kg, vecuronium 0.07~0.15mg/kg or rocuronium 0.6mg/kg, propofol 1.5~2.5mg / kg or ester based around 2.5mg/kg intravenous induction of anesthesia, intubation, continuous intravenous infusion of propofol 4~6mg/kg?h, Rivendell 0.1~0.5ug/kg; intraoperative supplement sevoflurane, a small number of fentanyl, adequate vecuronium to maintain anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia-epidural anesthesia (CSEA): puncture point selection L2-3 or L3-4 space with epidural epidural needle puncture done to confirm after the admission into the lumbar epidural space by the epidural needle done outside the subarachnoid space needle puncture, epidural and subarachoid puncture lumbar puncture after the pull out the core, there are back to smoking slow outflow of cerebrospinal fluid injection of local anesthetics (0.75% bupivacaine 2mL +10% glucose 3mL total of 1mL ) based on the patient's situation into the 1.5~3mL (or1% ropivacaine 10~12mg +10% glucose 1~1.2mL), epidural catheter clearance, during the test dose of 1.6~ 1.8% lidocaine 3~5ml according to the situation during an additional epidural anesthetic to maintain anesthesia. 2 groups of patients with blood pressure variability in the incidence of infusion volume, post-operative complications such as observation and comparison. The above results, the surgery of choice for such basic principles.Results: Ectopic pregnancy can predict the operation of the main factors of blood pressure fluctuations have preoperative shock index, mean arterial pressure and the three factors of different anesthesia methods. Comparative analysis of the next results are: two sets of oxygen saturation (SpO2) was no significant difference. General anesthesia group there were 24 cases (13.9%) occurred in patients with blood pressure fluctuations in anesthesia for the five cases (25%), 2 inter-group differences were stati- stically significant. General anesthesia group (GA) and the anesthesia group (CSEA) of anesthesia time for surgery at different times due to the corre- sponding different.An averageof 1.5~2 hours. Whole group of patien- ts mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) than the preoperative MAP, HR recovery, marked improvement in hemodynamics and no an esth- esia complications, perioperative mortality rate of zero.Conclusion:If patients with a longer, less bleeding, hemodynamic sta- bility, and can choose to spinal anesthesia-epidural anesthesia (CSEA), during the cycle stability, analgesia, muscle relaxation results. But it is rather general anesthesia endotracheal intubation, while the latter is more secure, reliable, respiratory, hemodynamic stability, and more applicable to patients in the treatment of narcotic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anesthesia, Ectopic pregnancy surgery, Spinal-anesthesia
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