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The Plague Between 1910 And 1911 In Northeast And The Epidemic In Shandong-About The Environmental Influences

Posted on:2010-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360275486213Subject:Historical geography
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During 1910~1911, China confronts a fundamental social change. In the autumn of 1910, the northeast of china breaks out an epidemic of pneumonic plague which starts at Manchuria on October 12th, 1910. Then, the plague sweeps out in the cities and villages along the railway lines of Dongtsing and South Manchuria, and successive death is found in Shandong and Zhili Province, and in several places inside Shanhaguan Custom. And the epidemic death toll exceeds 60,000.There are many inquiries on the Northeast plague, and most of them focus on the foundation of hygiene system, the reactions of plague, and discussion of social changes as a result of plague. All of the researches are helpful for us to understand the inner meanings of the epidemic. However, there is so little attention to the plague in Shantung, and to the spreading mechanism, which leaves the writer some work to do.This essay firstly goes back on the northeast plague in 1910~1911, which concludes the performances of china, Japan, Russia dealing with this battle in form of epidemic. Uses a lot of materials from different aspects, trying to work out the situation of Shandong under the pressure of epidemic, and hoping to find out the environmental causes of this epidemic.Environment means the sum of the surroundings, in the center of which stand the human beings. And the environment concludes two sorts of things, first is about the nature, and second is about society. Human beings are animals by nature while people by acquisition, and of course both a part of the environment. The incorrect and innocent way people treat the environment can be ascribed to the cause of the outbreak of the plague. As to the northeast plague in 1910~1911, people's excessive exploration which disturbs the ecological habitat of marmot are the main reason to be blame. And by way of haunting and eating the marmots which are ill, people finally got affected by Yersinia pestis. But Coolie themselves and the stimulation which enforces the coolie's accumulation are much more important. The considerable number of coolies moves from their hometown to northeast which becomes the source and the carrier of the plague, and Shandong province happens to be the main export area. There is nearly no way to avoid the plague, because of the absence of the public hygiene system and dependence merely on Chinese medical. Fortunately, the Chinese government adopts effective methods such as quarantine, segregation, and cremation in time, and runs down the railway lines in no time, the fight to plague is somehow successful, and what's more important, it promotes the progress of china's modern public sanitation, it brings the new era of preventive medicine.Plague is one kind of animal disease, it comes from the environment, and in China, and it is defined as A League infectious disease. There is no effective vaccine preventing plague has been invented, and the plague could be found around the world, even becomes epidemic. When confronted with the plague, we should keep in mind that"human beings are not controlling the nature, just one part of it, and the elements are cross-dependent."in order to change our philosophy, and do more good.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northeast plague, Shandong, coolie, environment
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