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Development And Evaluation Of The Myasthenia Gravis Patients Of Patients Report Outcomes Scale(MG-PRO)

Posted on:2008-07-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2144360215465368Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Backgrounds: Myasthenia gravis(MG) is an autoimmune disease ,and there is no ideal treatment until now. The results of treatment with traditionalChinese medicine showed that TCM had good effects. The evaluation of curativeeffects in clincal research was subjective, qualitative, so the result was difficult to be accepted. How to evaluate curative effects of MG became a focal point for discussion gradually. Usually the valuation of clinical curative effect valuation should include four kinds of contentses, medical personnel reports, inspection results, favourer reports and patient report outcomes. Along with the change in disease spectrum, concept of health and medical model, and the development of econmey and the extendsion of the people' s life, the importantce of assessing the patient report outcomes(PRO) had becomed more and more apparent. The PRO includes symptomes, perceiving and healthy related quality of life. Now the patient report outcome scale has been applied in clinical curative valuation for many years already.Objectives: Development of a Myasthenia Gravis patients of Patients Report Outcomes Scale(MG-PRO) to be valid, reliabe and sensitive.This scale could be uesd for evaluation of curative effects of Myasthenia Gravis patients.Methods and Result: Firstly, the theory model had been builded basing on the definition of PRO given by WHOPRO group and the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Acoordiong to the theory model, the items considered likely to be important were collected through patients report outcomes, literature reviews, individual experience, traditional Chinese medicine and other PRO scales. Study group discussion was carried out, during which some items were revised, added and deleted. At last, the primary scale for pilot survey was formed. Then, using the primary scale of the MG-PRO carried out a field test. A sample of 200 cases was taken from the Guangdong province. The sample covers healthy people and MG patients. After applying 6 kinds of statistical methods, including expert' s evaluation, coefficient of variation, principal components analysis and factor analysis, stepwise regression, discriminant analysis and internal consistency analysis, 52 items were keeped to form a formal scale. The MG-PRO scale finally consists of 52 items, which cover four domains of PRO. In order to develop a valid, reliabe and sensitive scale, we had evaluated it. The evaluation includes of reliability, validity and responsiveness. The results indicated that the MG-PRO had a satisfactory validity. Thus, we think this scale could be uesd for evaluation of curative effects of Myasthenia Gravis patients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Myasthenia Gravis, Patients Report Outcomes, scale
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